Chapter One (Edited)

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Bold + italics --->dragonese

Just bolded-- Thoughts

Just italics --- viking language/English


(3 weeks after the end of HTTYD 1)

Hiccup was working in the forge. Nothing too dangerous, just repairing saddles because he still couldn't walk on his prosthetic without stumbling and falling, and that could be dangerous around red-hot, razor-sharp metal.

He was just about done when he heard the horn sounded. That was strange. Nobody had sounded that horn since the dragon raids stopped. Hiccup stumbled outside to see villagers starting to panic. 


Someone shouted, running toward the forge. It was Fishlegs.

"Fishlegs, what's going on?"

Hiccup asked.

"Ships from an unknown tribe were spotted approaching the island. And they're coming fast- too fast! Almost as fast as dragons can fly!"

"What? That's impossible, no ship can move that fast!"

"No, I saw it myself! Everyone too young or old to fight is hiding out in the great hall. You should go too, you can hardly walk in your own let alone fight!"

Fishlegs started shooing Hiccup toward the great hall to put emphasis on his point.

"No way! I'm not cowering in the corner while the rest of the village is risking their lives!"

"You'll get yourself killed!"

"I have Toothless, remember? I'll be fine!"

Hiccup ran - well, stumbled and limped - towards his house, where he saw Toothless last. As he made his way through the village he heard people shouting at him,

"Get back inside!"

not with the annoyance that came with the dragon raids but with concern for his safety.

Finally, he found Toothless at the bottom of the hill of the Chief's house.

"Toothless! Bud, we have to get ready! There are ships approaching, fast, and we're pretty sure they're not friendly."

Just as he finished that sentence, an explosion happened right next to him, narrowly missing him. He jumped onto Toothless' back and they soared into the sky. What they saw shocked them.

The ships, at least a dozen of them, were nearing the island. Armoured men already shooting green-tipped arrows at the dragons in the air, causing them to collapse and lose consciousness. Bola launchers and cages littered the deck, a few with dragons already in them.


Stoick shouted to his son from the ground,

"You have to get out of here! The entire village is evacuating!"

"What, and let them take the dragons?! No way!"

Hiccup and Toothless dove toward one of the caged dragons, a pink and pale blue deadly nadder, and shot a plasma blast at the bars. But nothing happened.

"Dragon proof cages?! Come on!"

Suddenly Toothless got shot by an arrow, causing him to plunge toward the ground. They both screamed as they fell but by the time they hit the ground, Toothless was unconscious.


Hiccup cried, trying to lift the downed dragon to his feet. But it was no use.
Villagers round him started to flee as the invaders started to swarm the island but Hiccup refused to leave his dragons.
He heard orders being shouted to the invading men,

"Remember, we need the young and weak! We don't need children! Kill anyone who gets in your way!"

Every urge was screaming at Hiccup to run but he ignored them. He would not leave his best friend in danger!


It was Astrid and Stormfly,

"What are you doing?! We need to get out of here!"

She held out her hand inviting him onto Stormfly.

"No! I'm not leaving her here to die!"

Hiccup screamed back.

Not too far away, Fishlegs and Meatlug crash landed after being hit with an arrow. They were both unconcious. Suddenly one of the invading men grabbed Fishlegs, inspecting his unconcious form.

"He'll do nicely."

The man said thoughtfully before carrying him back to the ships.


Hiccup and Astrid cried.

"Go after him!"

Hiccup shouted to Astrid, who reluctantly did so.

Hiccup watched her go only to be grabbed by another invader.

"You're a cute one aren't you?"

The man chuckled.

"Too bad it won't last."

He dragged Hiccup toward the ships.


He screamed, thrashing about and trying to get free.


Stoick cried from across the village. He ran towards Hiccup, only to be shot by one of the green-tipped arrows.


Hiccup screamed. He continued to struggle but it was no use. He was carried onto the ship and put in chains before being shoved into a cage-like cell below deck with others around his age and older.

Fishlegs was there, slowly regaining consciousness. Most of the people there were from other tribes. These invaders must've been busy.

"This one's full!"

Someone above them shouted.

"Let's get moving!"

The ship was unanchored and started to sail away from Berk.

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