Chapter Two (Edited)

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Hiccup was curled in the corner of his shared cell, listening to sound of the waves and footsteps above. Fishlegs was completely conscious by now. He was crying quietly and mumbling to himself.

There were three others in the cell with them. Two girls: one with shoulder length black hair and brown eyes who looked about 10 years old, the other with long ginger hair and green blue eyes who looked about 17 years old. They were both hugging each other, leaning against the bars of the cell.

The other boy with them had short, messy blond hair and blue eyes. He looked about 12 but the way he handled the situation made Hiccup think he's older. He was sitting in the final corner alone, fast asleep.

They had been sailing for hours and, from the sounds of the activity upstairs, it seemed like they were headed to shore. The people in the other cells were starting to stir as the shouts from above got louder. Some, especially the younger ones, started to panic. Others started to cry. Fishlegs seemed to be out of tears but he was still mumbling furiously.

Hiccup was surprisingly relaxed, he had already done his fair share of panicking as they left Berk. Now he was anxious but not anywhere near enough to be in the panicked state so many others were in.

At the front of the room, distracting Hiccup from his thoughts, one of their captors walked to one of the the cells hitting his sword against the bars making a loud banging noise. "SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU!!" He almost screamed. Everyone fell silent. The man grinned, and speaking more softly he said, "We're almost there so you better enjoy yourselves while you still can." He laughed and went back up.

Fishlegs had stopped mumbling. He sat next to Hiccup. "Hiccup, I'm scared."

His voice was trembling.

"I know, Fishlegs, but we'll be fine. As soon as we get the opportunity we will find some wild dragons and get back to Berk. It's what we always do when we get captured, remember?" Hiccup didn't believe himself.

"I guess you're right." Fishlegs was unconvinced.

They felt the ship slow to a stop and the anchor dropped. They had arrived. Panic began to spread again. Several men swarmed the area, going to one cell at a time, chaining and leading people away like animals.

After maybe seven cells were emptied, the men came to Hiccup's and Fishlegs' cell, chaining them up and leading them off the ship. They followed the men down a stone staircase, which was immediately at the edge of the island, and surprise surprise to another cell. This one was labelled 'H'.

Once they were all in the cell, the men headed back the way they came leaving the small group alone.

"What do you think they want with us?" Fishlegs asked Hiccup

"I don't know," Hiccup replied, "But I'm sure it has something to do with dragons."

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