Chapter Seven: Hiccup's POV (unedited)

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Bold italics ---dragoneese

Just bolded-- thoughts

Just italics --- viking language/English

A/N---->Thank you @Hud2hud52 for helping me write this chapter. They are helping me with writing chapters and collaborating on it. PM her or me if you have anything you readers think you want us to add.



it's been about 4-5 days since Viggo gave us that potion. A few students have grown like 5-6 scales with claws and a small nub for a tail.

Me on the other hand, I've shrunk like 7 inches and have a shorter head and longer face.
My teeth have fallen out and probably won't grow back(because I'm becoming a baby night fury)
And I have a tail half the size of my body with small fins.
As well as small ears and wings.

The majority of my body has scales.

right now we're gathering firewood.
(Yes we've already started chores)

And since I'm already complaining, it's hot!
Like 120F
My arms and legs hurt, probably from muscle and bone regeneration. And I'm tired.

*bell rings*

I covered my ears, "so loud." I whispered

Fishlegs walked over to me.
"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded.

When the chains pulled Fishlegs walked/was pulled back to his area in the line.

Fishlegs has been having trouble with his voice lately, kinda like his voice box has been changing like a dragons.

We arrived at the place we eat. It looks like an oversized cave.
But with baskets of fish laying upright on the floor and some kind of chandeliers hang from the ceiling.

My group came over to our row that had a sign said H4.
But it's weird, reading. It's like I'm forgetting how. And talking in general is hard because I have to think hard about the word I'm going to say.

But I won't matter now, because soon I won't be able to speak. My ears flatted on my head from that sad thought.
I started thinking about Berk.
'Is everyone okay?'
'Are they hurt?'
'Are they even looked for me?'

Stop it, I can't think like that.

I sat down, I would have sat down next to Fishlegs but because of the way we're chained we're not next to each other.

I reached into the basket and pulled out a fish, a raw cod. I shivered at the thought but went ahead and tried talking a bite out of its side, but forgot about my teeth, then put the head of the fish in my mouth and swallowed it.

I felt it slide down my throat and into my stomach.

I shivered, but it filled me.
I switch from sitting criss crossed over to my knees and bent over to drink from a bowl that they had bolted to the ground.

Someone told me that once someone started using plates and bowls as weapons and that gave everyone else the idea to do the same and grab knifes and rocks and anything they could find.

The guards had to use eels to get everybody down so they could tranquilize everyone.

They say that the boy who started that is still locked up down stairs.

After I used my tongue to drink my water I continued eating. One disgusting fish at a time.

After dinner we were led back to our cells.

When unchained sat in my small and made bed made of small thin blankets. Then I curled up and slept feeling one more transformation

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