Chapter Three(edited)

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Author's Note: Just a heads up, A quick spoiler a bit some of you guys requested a female Toothless so I thought why not? You, the readers love that kind of shipping so I thought might as well use that somewhere in the future of this book. ALSO, I want to thank you for all comments even if it's like Update plz, as it fuels me to continue on. As well as I hope you guys ship toothcup not as a love thing but more as a mother to son.....

*Smirk and looks around evilly then slowly walk into the shadows.*


The next morning, cell by cell the teens prisons were entered by guards. In their designated groups, they were tied together in a row by metal collars and chains then they were all given a number to go with their group letter. Eldrid was H1, Edna H2, Thanatos H3, Hiccup H4 and Fishlegs H5. Their numbers seem to correspond roughly with when they were captured.

"This really looks like it's favour of the slave theory.." 

Fishlegs whispered to Hiccup.

"I'm sure that's not true. Besides we're getting out of here soon. Remember our plan?" He whispered back.

Before Fishlegs could respond, they all stumbled as the guard who chained them yanked the front, leading them out of the hall of cells. For the first time, the five got a good look at the island. It was horrid. Around the outside different prison buildings of varying sizes dotted the place. Some big enough to fit full grown dragons.

 Speaking of, all over the place, dragons muzzled and chained with dragon proof chains were being tortured and worked to exhaustion. It broke the berkians' hearts. The biggest detail, though, was a huge stone building in the centre of the island. Baby dragons were being lead out of it, crying already. The adult dragons, even though they were overworked, always tried resisting the chains to go to the babies aid but it was useless. They knew something that the vikings did not.

That was where they were being lead.


Even though two days had passed, Berk was still a mess. Burnt and broken wood was everywhere. All of the livestock had escaped. Most of the dragons had fled. Hiccup and Fishlegs as well as the weakest of children over 9 years old were gone. Parents were grieving and depressed, including Stoick. Most people had to stay in the Great Hall because their homes were so destroyed. This felt like an all-time low for Berk.

Astrid couldn't stand to see her village in this state. She felt like she had to do something about it. Everyone was gathered in the Great Hall. Most people were silent, grieving for their lost homes and children. Astrid decided to take the opportunity. She stood on a table to grab everyone's attention.

"People of Berk!"

 She started. All heads turned her way. 

"I know that we have lost a lot. Our children, our homes, our livestock and our dragons but we can't give up! We're vikings! When something is destroyed we rebuild it, when something goes missing we find it, when something is stolen we take it back or we die trying! Are we really going to just give up and hide in here like cowards?!"

A chorus of "No, we're not!" 

"We have to do something!" 

"We're vikings!" And things of the like echoed throughout the hall.

"Then let's get to it!" 

Astrid cried, 

"We a village to rebuild!"

Everyone cheered. It was time to get back on their feet.


Group by group, the chained children and teens were lead through corridors of the huge building. Every now and then they would pass a cage either filled with more people or a variety of baby dragons. 

Hiccup wished he could save them but, being chained up, there was nothing he could do. After about ten minutes of wandering they finally arrived in a large room where all the other groups were. Three more groups arrived after them. 

They were lined up in evenly spaced columns throughout the room. Most groups had five in them but some had four and some had six. All of them had a guard holding onto the front of the chain.

They didn't have to wait long until a man entered the room. He wore a red dragon scale tunic with a black over shirt, spiked belt and shoulder armour and brown boots. He had short dark hair and beard, large brown eyes and he didn't look friendly.

"Good evening, friends." He greeted the prisoners. "I'm sure you're all wondering why you've been brought here. Well let me explain." He paced slowly across the front of the room as he spoke. "You see, you all have quite a lot in common. You all come from dragon-friendly villages, you are all weak, and you are all powerless to stop what I'm going to do to you." Several prisoners whimpered at hearing this. The man continued to speak. "None of you are under nine years of age and none of you are older than seventeen. There is good reason for that and I will explain soon, but first does anyone have any questions?"

Hiccup decided to speak up. "Listen, I don't know who you are or why you've taken us but my village all ride dragons. My father, the chief, and all my friends will come for us and save us and you won't even stand a chance."

"Oh, how rude of me. I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Viggo and as I've previously said I will explain my intentions with you soon. As for you, I've already heard some complaints about you, H4, and if I were you I'd keep that mouth of yours shut before you dig yourself further into a hole. And I wouldn't worry about your father or friends. You're from Berk, right? That village was burned to ash. Absolute chaos. I wouldn't count on being rescued."

Hiccup was about to speak again but a guard elbowed him in the gut, stopping him from doing so.

"Any more questions?

Viggo continued.

  "No? Good. Now I'm going to explain why you're all here. I'm going to use you all for a little experiment.."

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