Bailey's Audition / Theme Song Placement

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(A/N I thought I would put these in here just for fun)

The Audition Tape

A girl with a long black ponytail and hazel eyes faces the camera as it turns on. It's a bit of a close up on her face and it appears that she is slightly side ways. She adjusts the camera slightly in order to straighten it then backs up.

This reveals that she is wearing a green shirt and brown shorts and has a pair of dog tags hanging from her neck. She appears to be standing in front of a closet that consists of two white sliding doors. The room is painted an oceanic blue and it looks and sounds as if a window is open out of frame. There is an electronic keyboard to her left and behind said keyboard there is a black chair in the corner. A small ukulele is propped up on it. She stands tall and waves at the camera.

She takes a breath and says, "Ok, I think I got it working now. Hi! My name is Bailey McArthur and I hope to be one of the newest contestants on Total Drama! I'm a fan of the show and if you pick me, I will not disappoint you! I will strike fear into the hearts of my opponents! Or, well, at least I hope so..."

She looks to the side of her bedroom as if she heard a noise coming from outside of her bedroom. She ignores it and continues speaking. 

"I'm sure you will also be receiving my brother Brick's audition as well. We're twins. I know how unlikely it will be for us both to be picked. The odds of just one of us getting chosen are slim already, but how cool would it be if it did work out that way!? Anyway, I'm getting off topic. I like to say that I'm a good strategist and work well under pressure. I've watched the first three seasons and I believe that I can withstand any challenge or any social situation that's thrown at me and still come out on top. The downfall of several people in this game has been that they weren't able to handle the total drama that was thrown at them." 

She laughs at her own joke and then resumes her thought. "But I know that I can! Call me Chris, your little island won't know what hit it!" She pounds her fist into her hand and smiles confidently at the camera. 

The sound of claws scratching against wood is heard. Bailey looks to the side and her eyes widen. "Buster, stop!" She shouts but it's too late. A German Shepherd with a sheriff star collar has tackled her to the ground and knocked the camera down in the process. Bailey is seen from the now sideways camera as she futility attempts to get the dog off her and herself off the ground. 

It doesn't work.

A boy's-about the same age as Bailey- voice is heard off, "Buster! You better hurry up or Mom's gonna leave without you!" It sounds suspiciously like a voice heard in another audition tape. 

The dog's head and ears perk up at the sound and as quickly as he came, Buster is gone. Bailey props herself up with her elbow and wearily looks at the fallen camera. 

"Sorry you had to see that," she starts,"I think I'm just gonna end this now." She reaches toward the camera and the tape fades out.

Theme Song Placement

Cameras pop out of all sorts places on the now radioactive Camp Wawanakwa.  The camera begins panning through the campsite and up the cliff. The camera dives into the water and Cameron is seen choking. A hook lowers down and grabs his underpants pulling him up. Above water it is seen that B had built a machiene to save Cameron on his canoe. 

The contraption isn't perfect however and breaks, sending Cameron flying. B looks at the camera with a worried expression as Cameron's underwear lands on his head. Cameron careens into the forest and we see Jo beating up a punching bag. Cameron lands in her arms. She looks down at him then looks up to see Brick running past her. Jo squints in Brick's direction, drops Cam and races after Brick. They run past Dawn who is meditating with her animal friends. Once Jo and Brick leave the frame a giant mutant gopher surfaces and screams at Dawn. She screams and runs away with her birds trailing behind her.

The camera switches to find Zoey and Mike in a red canoe near a waterfall. Zoey looks incredibly annoyed and Mike appears as Svetlana. They go over the falls, causing them both to scream and for Mike to become himself again. They land on a log that Lightning has been lifting with one hand. He is standing on another log that is partially broken in between two rocks. It breaks fully on their impact. All three fall through surprised.

The camera then changes to Scott and Bailey leaning against the outhouse confessional. Scott is pointing and laughing assumingly at Zoey, Mike and Lightnings' fall. Bailey is giving him a questioning look. The door of the confessional then opens revealing Fang, the mutant shark. Scott screams and runs away in terror and the toothed beast follows him. Bailey stays there for a second when Brick and Jo run past. She appears to get a realization then runs after Scott and Fang with a worried look on her face.

The camera moves to the mess hall where Chef is angrily cooking. He grabs noise cancelling headphones from the soup he is working on and puts them on. They don't seem to work. The camera pans to Staci, who is flapping her yap the way she always does. Chef takes a spoon and shoves it in her mouth, effectively shutting her up. We pan over to Anne Maria, who is spraying her hair again. She looks at the camera and sprays it.

The camera switched again to a view of the island's beach. There are stairs descending from the grassy area to the sandy ground below. Jo and Brick arrive there. Jo jumps in triumph and Brick pants. Then Sam is seen on the dock playing a video game but a yeti steals it. Sam attempts to get it back but is unable to as Dakota moves the camera herself and kisses it. She then starts posing as paparazzi start taking pictures of her. Chris flies over her with a bucket of water. He drops it on her head and the two share mean looks at each other as Chris flies away. 

The flames off Chris' jetpack are used as a transition to the bonfire scene. They zoom in on Mike and Zoey holding hands and smiling at each other. Their cute little couple scene is interrupted by Chris and Chef placing the Toxic Marshmellow of Loserdom in between them, disgusting both Mike and Zoey and all the other campers.

As the camera pans out, we see both teams sitting around the campfire whistling the end of "I Wanna Be Famous". Everyone has a seat, except for Bailey, who is standing behind Scott.

The sign infront of this scene lights up saying, "Total Drama Revenge of the Island".

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