Chapter 8

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Eren's POV

Levi's room made me feel... out of place. The crystal white walls, carpets and bedsheets hurt my eyes. There was a small desk in the corner which was very organised and finally, a flat screen TV facing the bed. The strong smell of lemon scented cleaning products burned my nostrils, there wasn't a thing out of place. Not a poster on the wall, no CDs, plants or any form of decoration. It was just. A room. Nothing more, nothing less.

I cleared my throat after realising not a word or glance had been exchanged between us for more then 3 minutes.

"So... what do you want to do?" I asked, taking a nervous glance at Levi.

"How about we watch a movie?" He questioned in his usual monotone voice, walking over to his bed and lying down. He grabbed the remote and turned the flat screen on.

I nervously made my way over and lay down next to him, he seemed completely unfazed. "Any suggestions on a film Eren?" He asked, though I knew I wouldn't have much of a say.

"I-I don't mind... just not a horror-" I was cut off by him clicking onto the horror section, "Found one."

'Oh god... not that one...' Trust Levi to chose the worst movie in the history of movies. After a few seconds of Levi reading the description he decided on, 'The Conjuring 2.'

"Uh Levi..." He looked at me with a blank face, "Shut up shitty brat."
This made me even more uncomfortable, the memories of how I used to dread coming to school began to play in my mind, the constant feeling of fear and anxiety. As if he could feel my doubt, he slid an arm under me and pulled me close to him, planting a small kiss on my forehead before looking back at the screen.

"Is this your way of apologising?" I chuckled, looking up at him with a slight smile. He let out a small 'tch', refusing to take his eyes off the screen. I chuckled once more at his stubbornness before resting my head on his chest and began watching the film.

--Tiny time skip--

To my relief, my phone started going off just as Lorraine shouted 'Who are you' to quite possibly the most horrifying nun I have ever seen, causing Levi to pause the film.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone, my usual cheerful attitude coming to life once more. "Eren Jeager where in heavens name are you?! GET HOME RIGHT NOW-" She was cut off when Levi grasped the phone and hung up.

"What the hell Levi! I'm so dead" I spoke quickly, starching my phone back and scrambling to my feet. "Eren, you're leaving so soon?" Levi asked, sounding genuinely disappointed.

"Sorry Levi, my mum is worried sick. I'll see you tomorrow-" I was cut off by him grabbing my arm and pulling me back down. 'What's with him and cutting people off?' He quickly climbed on top of me and sat on my stomach. "Levi-"

"Eren... Stay here, It will be fine" That was all he said before leaning down and placing his lips on mine.
I felt myself melting into the kiss as I rapped my arms around his neck, he turned his head slightly and licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I quickly broke the kiss, "Stop distracting me Levi" I  whined, sitting up and pushing him off me.

"I have to go" I sighed, grabbing my phone once again. "Fine brat... ill drive you" I looked at him confused, tilting my head slightly as I followed him out of the room and down stairs.

"You can drive?"

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