Chapter 18

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Levi's POV

I hesitated. Then continued.

"It all started when I was young. My mother was never around so I was placed into the care of my Uncle Kenny." I shivered at the name as I looked over to Eren to ensure he was paying attention, and he was. He eyes me as if beckoning me to continue, so I did.

"He was a really bad man Eren! A hit man. People hired him to kill people, he has a list he kept in this small book..." I trailed off, growing nervous.

"I always knew about his work, even at my young age. But for me it was normal so I didn't pay much mind, Kenny was a cruel man but he helped me grow, learn, live... He taught me how to defend myself, how to get away with things, and kept food on the table." I watched as Eren raised a brow and opened his mouth, to which I responded by raising a finger to silence him; he stayed quite.

"One night, my curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to know who his targets were... it interested me. There was hundreds of names, but one stood out to me, the most resent, uncrossed out name. His next target."

"Kuchel Ackerman," I saw Eren's eyes widen slightly as I spoke my mothers name, I gulped looking up at him as his eyes on me intensified, I knew he wanted me to continue, so I did.

"I couldn't just let him kill her! Sure, she was a drug addict and prostitute but she was still my mother, and on the rare occasions she was around... she was the best mother I could ask for. I loved her, and I still do-" I cut myself before clearing my throat and cutting the sappy crap.

"So... I decided to stop my uncle." I finished, standing up and beginning to make the tea from the kettle that had finished boiling minutes ago.

Eren's POV

I don't want to believe him but... I do. I can tell he's being honest, he has no reason to lie.
"But... how did you stop him?" I asked, looking towards Levi and immediately regretting asking.

His body was tense as he crushed the delicate tea cup in his hands, shards of China piercing his palms and fingers. He discarded the shards onto the floor quickly before facing me quickly, tears streaming down his face, a look of dread, fear and regret on him face.

"I was just a child Eren! I didn't know what else to do!" He yelled at me, crying more and cradling his injured hand in his chest. I quickly approached him and placed a hand onto his shoulder, he calmed instantly.

"I killed him Eren." He spoke, making me stagger back in surprise.

"Y-you what?" I asked, 'no I just heard him wrong, there's no way. Not my Levi, he would never.' He raised his hand and pointed towards the couch we had not long been lay on, "I killed him right there, and I regret it. I resent myself for it." He spoke, his voice and face going back to its emotionless state.

I gulped before taking another step back, not knowing what else to do. "That's why I brought you here, I love you. I always have. I don't want us to have any secrets Eren, I want you to trust me. I want you to decide."

"D-decide What?" I asked, my back making contact with the wall as I attempted to back away more. "Do you still love me, Eren?"

He asked, looking up at me hopefully. I just continued to stare, flinching as he stepped forwards.

"I've wanted to tell you from the start! It's like the ultimate test Eren, to see if you really love me." He continued, his voice raising slightly.

"This is a joke right?" I smiled nervously, hoping he would laugh and say "of course it is Eren!" But he didn't, he only frowned.

"You'll never love me the same will you?" He asked, thought I'm sure the question was supposed to be rhetorical. I relaxed my shoulders and let out a sigh, embracing him into my arms.

"I'll take time to adjust," I spoke honestly, feeling him return the embrace. "But Levi. You can't ever do that again. And I know that staying with you makes me crazy but I don't care, I'm glad you told me." I smiled, looking down at him as he smirked up at me, wrapping an arm around the back of my neck and pressing my lips against his, bringing me into a passionate kiss.

When we finally broke apart we both just started into each other's eyes. And spoke in sync.

"I love you."

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