Chapter 13

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Eren's POV

I stared lovingly at the smaller figure that lay just inches away, snoring lightly. His usual emotionless yet intimidating face had faded, and he now looked as innocent as ever. I let out a sigh, 'the one night I can't sleep is the one night Levi can... typical..'

I slowly got out from under the covers, my movements being as slow and quite as possible. Not wanting to wake up Levi. I slowly exited the room and descended down the stairs, not even taking note of the fact the kitchen light was on. I walked straight into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water.

"Hi Eren." I gasped loudly, throwing my hands in the air, sending the glass flying. Shards being scattered across the floor. I quickly spun around.

"Ah- Mrs. Ackerman! I'm so sorry," I whisper yelled, quickly looking around for a a broom of some sort. The woman laughed kindly, telling me to sit well she cleaned up.

After doing so she returned to the table herself, a fresh glass of water in her hands. I took it graciously, admiring the condensation that had already formed around the glass. It was silent for a moment before Kuchel decided to speak.

"This is the first time I've gotten you alone... let's talk" I gulped nervously, looking up at her, trying to appear confident. "Heh... about what?" I mentally facepalmed at how nervous I sounded.

"I've always wondered.. how did you meet Levi, he's usually not very social." I nearly chocked in my water as she said this, 'he hasn't told her?'

"Well- I.. uhh..." I was completely clueless on what to say, I can't lie, but I can't avoid the question either. She smiled brightly as she wrapped her hands around her cut of tea that I hadn't even noticed before hand.

"I remember a while ago, he'd come home and all he'd talk about is 'Eren this,' 'Eren that.' 'Eren did this today.'" She paused before carrying on "Eren looked hot today~" I, once again, nearly chocked on my drink, causing her to muffle a laugh as she help her drink to her face, taking a delicate sip. She stared at me, almost expectingly. 'Oh! Right, the question..'

"Well... if I'm being honest.. he use to be my bully" I shrugged. She raised a brow, much like Levi would and set down her mug, "go on..." she insisted. I laughed nervously.

"Well, we where at this party and when I woke up I was here instead of at home. And then Levi woke up and he threatened to beat the crap out of me if I told anyone– then he kissed me and that got me really confused..." I trailed off, tilting my head to the side as I did so. 'Now that I think about it, that isn't the most romantic story in the world...'

Kuchel burst out laughing, I looked up at her wide eyed, completely taken aback by her reaction. "That's my Levi." She said sweetly, "he's never been good with his emotions, not since–." She cut herself off, all of her warmth and general cheerful demeanour died for a second, before she quickly snapped back into reality.

"Well!" She clapped her hands together, making me jump. "I'm off to bed."

She stood up and placed her mug and my empty glass in the sink, you should be off too Eren. It's getting late. She smiled warmly, walking up to me as I stood up and kissing my forehead before heading off to her room. I stood there like an idiot, one question in my mind. 'How the heck is SHE related to Levi?'

I just shrugged and headed upstairs, feeling a lot more tired then before.

Within seconds of laying down I felt I short but muscular arm make its way around my waist, pulling me in protectively. "Hmm.. Eren" Levi mumbled. It look all of my efforts to not burst out laughing, and eventually managed to calm myself; letting the darkness surround me as I drifted off to sleep.

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