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    THE DAYS FOLLOWING Zane's accident that almost cost his life, Sage and Jack had started to spend more and more time together, from smoothie dates to walks on the beach

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    THE DAYS FOLLOWING Zane's accident that almost cost his life, Sage and Jack had started to spend more and more time together, from smoothie dates to walks on the beach. Some would even say they were inseparable (and by 'some' it meant Rikki, Cleo, and Emma).

   "So are you guys like a thing now?" Rikki asked nonchalant.

   "I would greatly appreciate it, Rikki," Sage misinterpreted the blonde's words. "If you did not call me, or Jack, a mere 'thing' like an inanimate object."

    "No, like are you guys dating?" Rikki rolled her eyes as she stared up at the innocent mermaid a top of Cleo's bed. Emma and Cleo closely examining the brunette. "Has he asked you to be his girlfriend?"

    "We are only friends." The mermaid shrugged.

    "Sage, have you ever noticed how he stares at you? He sees you like his whole world!" Emma jumped in.

   "I wish someone looked at me like he looks at you, Sage." Cleo added.

   "But Lewis—" Sage started but was interrupted.

    "No, no, no, don't change the subject." Rikki waved her hand making her stop talking. "Has he kissed you? Ya know, lips on lips." She puckered her lips and made a kissing noise which made Sage scrunch her eyebrows in confusion and disgust.

    "Why would I ever want that?"

    "Never mind." Rikki sighed as she plopped back down to face the ceiling.

    Sage traced the outline of Jack's necklace that she was wearing. None of the girl's know it's his, because if they knew they would only jump to conclusions, something the mermaid wasn't capable of handling.

    So the brunette kept on thinking about Jack. She had lived over fifteen years without a boy, why should she start now? Sure, Jack was great company, but that was all he was: someone to spend time with. Sage was a mermaid, a living myth, and Jack was a land-boy, the two were never meant to coexist; sooner or later they would back-stab her, and Sage was never going to betray her kind for a simple boy.

    However, to Jack, Sage intrigued him. Spending time with her seemed to be the highlight of most of his days. Yet, something in the pit of his stomach told him that she was different, not like most girls. He seemed to enjoy the mystery that she was. Although he didn't know the secrets that lied beneath that beautiful face of hers, he was determined to uncover it at whatever cost. Perhaps it was the background of his parents: Dr. Henry and Katherine Robinson. His older brother, Thomas, was also on his way to become a scientist. It was only natural in Jack's blood to find the answers that polluted his mind.

   So when someone dragged Sage from the beach behind some rocks, she was more than scared, that was until her kidnapper revealed his identity: Zane Bennett.

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