Chapter 4

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(I was listening to this as I was writing this chapter, and the song is pretty! Rejectsdshotgun, you have really good songs to listen to from your role play!)

Sydnee's POV:

I turn the camera on, and take a deep breath.

"When I saw that Allianna's arrow had pinned Seto to the wall, I started to freak out, worried that they would be really ticked. But I was surprised that they weren't. Shocked, sure. But not ticked off at us."

"They had decided to take us to the Sky Army base as soon as we had made amends with Allianna being trigger happy with her bow at them. I mean, I know she's so damn protective of us, but she can also lay off on protecting us at times to."

"As we were heading to the base, my ankle was burning in pain from the squids we ran into the other night, and I had started to feel a little drowsy, unaware of the bandage not helping to keep the blood from flowing out of my wound."

"'Syd. Syd. SYD!' She had repeatedly tried to get me to listen, but the blood lose was getting to my head, and it definitely didn't help when I had no idea of the terrain either."

"'SYDNEE! You're bleeding! Ty! Seto! Wait!' She had shouted, as I had collapsed into a heap onto Allianna, and was trying to stay conscious, so the boys had rushed over, and helped me get rushed to the base for medical treatment."

"As soon as I got there, I had blacked out right before I was in the hospital they had."

I look at Allianna, seeing her just sit next to me, and pulled me into a hug. I smile, and continued the story.

"Anyways, as soon as I'd awoken, I'd waken up to the sight of Allianna sleeping in one of the chairs, and I was hooked up to machines giving me blood and my injuries all dressed up. It had looked like the wound I had was infected, and my leg was at a bit of an awkward angle, but still good enough to walk, just where I'd be having a small limp for a couple or so weeks."

As soon as Allianna let go of me, I smile up at her, and she nods her head, then heads out of the room, closing the door behind her. I take a deep breath to continue, and I start again.

"When I had woken up, the doctor walked in, and he made sure I was okay, and I got a better look at who he was."

"He had blue skin, more like for a water creature, and he has orange fins on his cheeks and the top of his head. He had on a doctors coat, and had a weird doctors thing on his head. I smiled when I recognized who he was."

"'Hello Ms. Chloé. I'm Dr. Juneau, or Quiten, and I'll be checking up on you.' He had said, and I nodded."

"I hear a yawn and a groan from Allianna, and I see her waking up, smiling ever so slightly at me being awake and okay."

I stretch and stand up to turn off the camera for the day.

On a quick note, why do I wait forever to start chapters? Ah, oh well. Have a good day or night wherever you are!

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