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"Thank you," Abigail said before stepping out of the car. She stood on the pavement waving goodbye at the driver as he drove back in the direction of her home. She straightened the creases of her floral skirt as her eyes scanned along the street lined with various cute shops, cafes and restaurants.

She turned to face the familiar cafe she had grown to love with a small smile. Her smile grew seeing Marie's figure rushing from one side of the cafe to the other. Although she was there to work she was excited to help out since it meant that she wasn't cooped up within the walls of the house and she was being productive and useful.

With a little skip on her step, she entered the cafe hearing the small ring of the bell as she opened the door.

"Abigail!" Marie greeted from the counter before rushing toward Abigail with wide arms and engulfing her in a warm hug. "I am so glad you came, this place is only going to get busier."

"I'm always free to help you out."

"And I'm grateful for that." Marie chuckled giving her a small pat on her head.

"So what's the plan today?"

She walked behind Marie and followed her to the kitchen grabbing a black apron that was hung at the back of the staff door. She tied it snuggly to her back and swept the long locks of her hair into a lazy bun.

"We got fresh ingredients delivered earlier still waiting in boxes at the back if you could help me bring them in and then organised them into the storage. And if you finish early maybe you could do the dessert counter?" Marie asked, "Hope that's not too much."

"Don't worry about it Marie, I can do it."

"Remind me that your shift ends at 5:30 pm, that's when Ricardo will pick you up."

Abigail gave two thumbs up before heading to the back door where the deliveries were normally dropped off. There were crates stacked on top of each other filled with fresh summer fruits and boxes piled up to her waist filled with other dry ingredients. She lacked in any upper body strength and with the varying weights took each one into the kitchen, slowly but surely.

"Ow!" she yelped as the last box she was carrying painfully rubbed against her injured finger, although it was properly bandaged it was still very sensitive.

"Abigail! Are you alright?" Marie called out rushing to her side in worry.

Biting her lip she held her finger in a tight grip to relieve some of the throbbing pain. "I-I'm okay."

"Oh dear, what happened?"

"The box just rubbed on my cut, but I'm fine."

"What happened to your finger?"

Marie took her finger gently and observed the bandaging before slowly stroking it up and down with her thumb helping to ease some of the pain.

"I was very clumsy last night and accidentally bumped into a table and knocked over a glass ornament. I'm fine I promise." Abigail dismissed, careful to not mention the full event of the night before.

"I'll have someone carry the rest of the deliveries, you can start organising the ingredients but nothing heavy. And if you need help just ask."

"Okay but Marie I'm fine," Abigail reassured giving Marie another hug.

She walked over to the pile of boxes eager to start organising the ingredients, separating the different types of sugars, flours and other dry ingredients.

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