Chapter 7 / Almost winter break

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Ivys pov

Half of my exams are over with. Finally, I can sorta relax. Tonight, Matt and I are going out to the Pizza Press. I've grown a huge desire of Matt. During my chem exam, I couldn't think about elements, all I could think about were Matt's hands around me. Keeping me warm in the chilly winter night. I decided to put on a rainbow turtleneck with a denim jacket and black skinny jeans. I looked into my mirror and noticed I wasn't wearing any jewelry. I put on gold hoops and a gold necklace with a ruby red heart.

Later that evening * * *

I walked out my apartment building to feel the icy air nip at my nose. I turned right back into the lobby and waited for Matt to call me when he's outside.

Incoming call from Matt

"Baby, come outside" He told me in a cute voice.

"Who do you think you're calling baby" I said sarcastically.

"Get your ass outside, I need you" he groaned.

*     *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *   

Matts pov

I rocked back and forth thinking how I could bring up what may or may not change my life. I deeply feel that she is lying and wants me to take her back. I gave her my love, a place to live, and food to eat. She screwed up and is now being manipulative! I obviously didn't matter enough to her. She broke me inside. I stop thinking of her when Ivy brought the pizzas over to our table. They looked scrumptious. Just like her.

"What's up with you?" she asked.

"Nothing is wrong" I responded. Completely lying to her face.

"That sounded like when someone asks you if you're okay and you just say fine, but in your heart you really aren't" she told me.

"Okay. You're right. Last night Samantha slithered her way into my apartment to only tell me that she's pregnant, which doesn't make sense because we were protected.

"She probably justs wants your attention when it could be the guy she cheated on you with baby, or someone else she's met. She would have noticed she was pregnant a while ago from morning sickness" she told me while trying to shove a slice of pizza in her mouth.

Ivy is right. The timeline of events doesn't add up. The last time Samantha and I had sex was Halloween. After that time, we didn't because she didn't want to, and I wasn't going to force her.

"What are you doing during winter break?" she asked.

"I have nothing planned, but I wanted to ask you If you want to do anything together. I know you're probably heading back to Connecticut"

"I come back January 3rd. Lets totally do something. It has to be a little spontaneous, include some adventure, YET be relaxing for us." she said while brushing her foot against mine.

"Let's Road trip to Arizona. It would be an honor for you Ivy to road trip with me"

She wouldn't stop smiling and I couldn't either. Her smile is contagious.

"We can can visit national parks, explore in caverns, and camp at some point" I told her

"Okay fine, but you'll have to drop me off and pick me up from the airport. I'm leaving the 19th and returning the 3rd." she said smirking

"How could I not I want to spend as much time with you as possible"

Damn, she has me wrapped around her finger.

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *   

Ivys pov

He held open the door for me as we walked out. He put his arms around me and gave me a tight hug.

"I hope whatever we just planned doesn't fall through" he told me.

"I won't flake. I promise."

I leaped into his jeep, and he gently shut the door behind me. I kept thinking about when we first met, and now we're going on a road trip together. He got in, turned the key, and looked at me.

"I just can't resist" He said.

He placed his hand on one side of my face to guide me into a kiss. I pulled back and gave him a questioning stare.

"Yo, i'm sorry. I just thought that-"

I reached over to him, placed my hands on his cheeks gripping his jawline, and kissed him back.

"Okay, now take me home! I have another exam tomorrow" I said while making a seductive smile.

He grabbed my hand and gave it a kiss. Our hands touching made me tingle inside. It's like his touch has rekindled a feeling I haven't felt in a while.

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