Chapter 9 / Uber everywhere

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*New Year's eve*

Matts pov

I looked around. All I felt were eyes creeping on me ready to attack. I walked down the narrow alley. The light at the end of the alley flickered. Water splashed under my feet. I stopped walking. I heard water splash not unison from my feet. My heart began to race, I could feel my throat beginning to choke, and I then turned. A man stood at the sidewalk. He began walking then running. I turned and ran. My heart was uncontrollably beating. I jumped on a dumpster to reach a fire escape ladder. I leaped onto the ladder. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me down. I fell onto the cold pavement. I winced in pain from all over my body. He drew a gun.

"Who are you working for" He sternly asked.

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I slowly opened my eyes and rolled over to see the time. I groaned when I saw that it's 10:09 am. I threw my comforters and opened my blinds slightly to let in some light. I felt heartbroken at the thought of not having a new years kiss with ivy. I didn't want to bother her, so I texted her about the dream I had. That shit was way too vivid. I feel like it's just the worst case scenario of what may happen tonight. I'm getting a quick 2000  tonight. All I need is to safely get in. I can't risk anyone following me and getting jumped. It's over for me. I don't know who needs 8000 in drugs. This man is really spending almost 10K on drugs to feed to people. Supposedly there's going to be 500 people at his place which is ridiculous, but probably fun. I walked to my living room to turn on Futurama through Hulu while I assemble myself french toast with eggs. A good breakfast for a big night.

It was approaching 6 pm. I called an Uber to head to Andres's distribution center. He's like a Walmart of illegal drugs. I needed to deliver to Louis's party between 6-7. I walked out of my apartment complex to find people already drunk walking down the sidewalk. I sat on the curb and stared at the traffic roaming in the streets waiting for my Uber. The street glowed with white Christmas lights. Some lights hung from building to building. My Uber Mallorey pulled up. She was in a black escalade. I rose from the ground and hoped into her SUV.  She welcomed me and tried to start a conversation, but I just stared out the window thinking about Ivy. I wanted to see her so bad. It's new years eve and I can't spend it with her. I've tried to not be in a bad mood, but not being able to see her upsets me.

I arrived at a 7/11. I looked around to see the sun completely set. I waited for someone from Andres's crew to pick me up. Aaron eventually showed up in a white Maserati. A 20 minute drive out to the wilderness we arrived at Andre's drug center. It's a small house north of i-35. I walked up the squeaky back porch. I entered the passcode on the door and walked in. There were quite a few people in the house. Ronaldo packed up everything in a duffle bag, so I could be on my way out. I went outside and waited for Aaron to switch cars and bring me back to 7/11. We began to drive back in a black range rover. I looked out the window to see deer roaming through the tall grass. We arrived back to the 7/11. I called an another Uber.

"Nothing seemed sus right?" Aaron asked me.

"Nothing at all. No one has been following us" I told him.

My uber showed in a prius. I switched cars and headed back into the city with the duffle bag fully loaded. Traffic appeared right before the exit. I began to get worried because it was almost 7:00.

It's a little past 7:00, but I'm outside the apartment high rise. I walked into the lobby to greeted by two men hired by Louis to escort me up the elevator. The elevator was completely glass. As we rose to the top, I couldn't help but stare at the city and think about life. I began to sing in my head.

But I can't help it

I'm falling for youAnd I can't quit itCause I'm stuck on you
And it might be patheticAnd you might be skepticalBut I just want to be with you

The elevator's doors opened. The music was blasting. People were everywhere. There were even stripper poles. It was overwhelming The men guided me to Louis's office. The men pushed open the large brown wooden doors of his office. He sat in a velvet purple robe with two women beside him. I placed the duffle bag on his desk.

"So...Everything is in there right?" Louis asked.

"I can assure you that it was triple checked" I responded.

He pulled himself out of his chair and handed me a stack of cash that added up to be 500.

"What's this for?" I asked

"I don't know. Generosity I guess" he said while smiling.

I thanked him and turned around to get the hell out of his office. It was weird. The living room was obnoxiously loud. I walked to the window to take pictures of the view from the top. I turned around to look at the strippers because everyone was cheering them on. They were wearing masquerade masks. They were revealing their faces. They took their masks off as confetti was fired into the air. I couldn't believe who one of them was. It was Ivy. She wore large red heels and a bra and underwear dazzled with gems. We made eye contact. Her happiness quickly faded and she ran from her pole.

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