Der Großmann.

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"Y-you shou-.... move... don't s-s-..." even though the first man was crouching next to me, my hearing seemed to be impaired by the hit. I took deep breaths, letting my hearing return to normal. "Don't move," said the first, who was putting an ice pack to my forehead. He was the only other one there. I examined the room around me, though nothing changed. I felt blood leaking on my temple, causing my heart rate to increase. What else did they do to me? My mouth was too dry to speak, I could only make wheezes, coughs, and squeaks. That earned many laughs from my captor. "S-stop struggling, I said." He then tended to the blood running down my face.

I swallowed, forcing out, "what are you do..." I couldn't finish my sentence, but he understood.

"While Brian wanted to out you, I thought y-you could help us." I confusedly gazed into his orange goggles.

"Help?" My voice gradually returned.

"W-we were going t-to just out you as usual; quick, clean, then take out your family. But I t-think we should make this more f-f-f-f-fun. You will kill your own f-family." I gasped, fighting the restraints again. He couldn't hold back a bellowing laugh.

The door creaked open, revealing the 2 other men, who groaned at the sight of us. "Stop toying with your victim," said the second. The quiet one entered, standing behind my chair, then pressing something against my bleeding temple. A pistol.

"N-no, Brian," the first said to the one behind me, "w-we don't torture anymore! Just this once, let's do this t-the o-old way." Brian pondered for a moment, then put the gun down. The three of them looked down to me, probably smiling mischeviously through their masks.

"P-please don't hurt them... God, please... I'll give you whatever you want, just don't...." I began to stumble over my words as I felt myself fall into an anxiety attack.

"We won't hurt them. You will. And fight all you want, but you don't have control over this," the second man said. A sudden static and ringing echoed in my head. My vision blurred, while blood began to drip from my nose. I lost conciousness.


I woke again, in the same chapel as before. But I noticed dried blood running up my arms, and soaked into my shirt and jeans. All was silent, realizing that the men were all asleep in the corner. Stumbling to the door, I fell into the grass and towering weeds, seeing absolutely nothing. Through the slits in trees, I saw a faint light from the moon. I searched around for a path of some sort, but none were in sight. I stood, leaning on a thin tree, when I felt a buzzing in my head. Backing up, I realized the tree was a faceless man. He was incredibly slender, and as tall as a tree. He wore a black tuxedo, and a red tie. A sudden burst of memories flooded back.

It was evening, the sun almost set. I followed quietly behind the three men, knowing there was someone else with us. My legs seemed to have a mind of their own, guiding me like I knew these woods like the back of my hand. We finally reached the car, climbing in and driving off to my house. When we arrived, I quickly unlocked the back door with the hidden key- which was behind a potted plant- and slid into the kitchen. Grabbing the sharpest knife I could find, I strolled upstairs, now seeing the men weren't behind me. My parents slept peacefully, cuddled together.

I raised the knife.

Blood splattered.

They screamed.

Then I heard a scream from my brother's room. I dropped the knife, rushing into the bedroom, seeing the men standing over the bed. I pushed past them. More blood. My brother's head rolled onto the floor, a look of terror frozen on his face. Without thinking much of it, we sprinted out the back door, into the car, and sped off. The neighborhood was awake, and we hadn't missed any time leaving the scene.

Back to reality, tears poured from my eyes. I fell to the ground before the faceless monster, hearing the three men groggily make their way outside. My sobs grew, but my only movement was from my shaking. I tried to throw punches, but I was grabbed by Brian, being dragged back inside.

I love cliff hangers.... >:)

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