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I backed up against the wall, all my words falling to the ground, without a sound. A laugh emitted from the shadow as it saw my face, grabbing Toby by the shoulder and throwing him across the room. He didn't even recoil. Toby, on the other hand, hit the wall, and was unable to move.

"O-Observer?" I choked out.

"Oh! I guess I don't need to introduce myself! Heh- surprising that they told you so much. Though, I can tell how much they like you," he gestured to a still paralyzed Toby, "and, don't worry about introducing yourself. I know lots about you!" The Observer quickly dropped to his knees, crawling up above me. I could make out his dark brown hair, frizzy, flipped to one side. His glasses gleamed in the dull light from outside, and his baggy clothes hanged onto my bare torso, sending shivers down my spine. The Observer seemed to notice, and began laughing manically.

In the blink of an eye, I was being dragged down the stairs into another room. It was even more destroyed than the halls and other rooms, and a lone table sat with two chairs on either side. I was immediately pushed into one, while The Observer locked the door behind him. He then excitedly sat in the chair opposite of me.

Taking the risk, I pushed myself from the chair, knocking it over, and barreled for the door. I barely made contact with it, before thrown back against the wall. "Aren't you funny?" He chuckled, advancing on me. "Now, back to business." The Observer took me by the arm, pulling me til my arm was lying flat on the table. I had no energy to fight. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small knife.

Hours passed, my arms and legs bleeding profusely, while I exhaustedly weeped. He had placed me back into the fallen chair, careful to have me sit up. Taking his time, punching and stabbing, cutting intensely close to my main arteries. I saw the blood pooling at my feet. Toby had been banging on the door so long, I nearly drowned him out of my thoughts. He sounded exhausted and exasperated. Meanwhile, The Observer barely broke a sweat.

Coming up to me, he knelt down, placing a hand on my bruised knee. I flinched, gaining a small chuckle. "Cry. Scream. Beg. I love hearing you in pain, right before I kill you. Do it, and I'll make it quicker." I refused to give him the satisfaction. With a spit to the side, I avoided eye contact, staying silent. He aggressively pulled my face towards him, repeating, "do it." Again, I ignored him.

Very gory content ahead! Beware!

Swiftly, he grabbed my arm, pulling the sleeve up, until my bloody forearm was exposed. Afraid of anymore pain, I whimpered, trying to pull away with the little strength I had. But it was no use, he was already mad. Putting away the knife, he used both his hands to break my bone with a sickening snap. I hadn't even processed what had happened before the agony took over. Screams echoed loudly through the room, causing Toby to bang even more on the door. All the while, The Observer neatly brushed off some dirt from his bloodied outfit. I kept crying and screaming for as long as my voice gave permission to. But, it was too long for him, "that's enough." He pulled the knife back out, propping me back in the chair. I struggled, begging to be let go, but he simply held me down. With one swift motion, he held my eyelid open, cutting deeply into my cornea. More screams emitted from my mouth as I bled out. He waited for a moment longer, before stabbing me endlessly in the torso.

Blood poured from me, and I begged for Death's relief. I was choking on my own fluids, the entire experience was unbearable. Slowly, things started to go dark, and I welcomed Death like an old friend.

The gore is all done :). 'Tis all.

Toby's POV

The door suddenly unlocked, letting me tear through the door. The Observer had gone, and all that was left was blood splatters and a shrinking corpse. Wasting no time, I took off to (Y/N), putting pressure on as many wounds as possible, taking off my jacket and tearing it frantically for makeshift bandages. But it was no use, there were too many... I pulled her off the chair, tears staining both of our faces. She looked so in pain, and all I could do was cradle her, bringing slight comfort. "(Y/N), oh, God, please... no... Fu-..."

She lifted her non-broken hand to my face, pulling herself up. "Toby," she leaned in, planting a soft, weak kiss on my cheek. It took every bit of her strength to speak. "Toby, I-" she grunted in pain, as blood spurted out of her wounds.

"Don't worry, I know. I know, baby, I know." She laid her head back onto my lap, taking a few deep breaths, before releasing her last.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. I love you, too."

You got: the sad ending!

Sorry, but stories don't always have happy endings! If you are wondering why Toby no longer stutters in the last couple chapters, it's because I forgot to go back and edit all his dialogue, and I'm lazy... so... I hope you enjoyed, check out my other works! I have so many ideas right now, I'm so excited to write these next few books, and you should be too! My next one will not be a fanfic of any kind. In fact, it will be my first "published" novel. Just wait and find out! 😁😁😁

Edit: Change of plans, dudes, I don't think I will be writing that novel just yet, but I will try and write soon. I've been real busy recently.

Stay vibin'


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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