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I felt his hand run up my side, causing my eyes to shoot open. I looked at the sleeping man beside me, snoring softly on his mattress. I rolled over on my light blanket, pushing his hand off, and feeling heat in my cheeks. It was the second time that week, but I kept it secret, seeing as nobody else knew. For a second, I swore I heard Toby whisper my name in his sleep, reaching out slightly to find me. But, maybe it was just a twitch.

I lifted myself off the ground, stepping quietly out the door. Dawn, a grey sky, with pink peeking through the clouds. The cool morning breeze brushed against my face, sending my hair out of my eyes. The smell of dew drops filled my nose, reminding me of a time long gone. Back when I was a child, playing with baby brother, Luke, outside. Mom and Dad watching from the back porch, sipping coffee, smiling, as if nothing bad could happen to their perfect family. I smiled to myself, knowing how innocent I was.

The sound of creaking pulled me from my thoughts. I stayed in place, leaning against the door frame, as if I didn't hear the heavy footsteps of a tired proxy. "One of the few good things about this life, the freedom." I turned to Tim, seeing him take a place next to me. I lifted myself slightly to make room. "See, back before Mr. Faceless took me in, I lived in a small city. Not like Vegas or anything, but it definitely wasn't a rural area. I would wake up mad, listening to cars passing my apartment. The smell of gas, and a constant grey sky was my everyday. Now, though, I get up bright and early, still angry, but I smell nature, hear nature, feel nature..." I thought I felt Tim breathe against me for a moment, but I brushed it off as nothing. He turned to me, leaning in too close for comfort. "(Y/N)."

I looked at him, my nerves starting to build, "yes?"

"I think Toby was correct, for once, about keeping you. It's been so long since there was a woman on the team. Follow me." He began to stroll out the door, waiting for me to obey. I glanced back to the others, as I saw a slight shift on one of the mattresses. He saw me hesitate, when he grabbed my forearm, pulling me out of the doorway. "You know what we said. Obey or die," he hissed. In fear, I let him tug me through trees and brushes, paying no mind to what happened to me on the way through. My legs turned red with scratches, and I tripped several times, due to my lack of speed compared to him.

Seeing an empty tunnel sent a wave of fear down my spine. It sat at the side of a tall hill, water streaming through rocks below it. Tim pulled me into it, pushing me up against the damp, metallic wall and a puddle of dirty water. From my peripheral, I saw a large rock, with dried blood splattered on it. I would have looked down, but I was too paralyzed by the sight of Tim's shaded face, and his eyes which were dark with lust in the little light. I couldn't exactly tell what color they were, ranging from grey to hazel in the morning sunlight. His arms closed in on either side of me when I flinched deeper into the wall, and he began to lean in.

My whimper echoed through the tunnel, causing a laugh to erupt from him. I covered my ears from the sound, but my hands were soon grabbed by Tim. By then, his jacket was on the ground, and he only wore his usual baggy jeans and white t-shirt.

I expected the worst.

Hey, my dudes! That is the end of this chapter (another cliffhanger, I know) but this time, I want your opinion. Should I make the next chapter have a lemon? Or nah?


The mirth in this chapter was not for (Y/N), it was for Tim. The sorrow in the last chapter was for (Y/N), and the birth and wedding in the future is not actually birth and wedding. That part you'll have to figure out on your own.

'Tis all.

Bury the Hatchet *Ticci Toby x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now