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They paid no mind to me. As if they knew what it felt like, as if they went through the same. The echoes of my family's screams haunted me every time I closed my eyes. Time and time again, I found myself quiet, sitting at that old, weak bench, just thinking. Reminiscing about the old times. Back before I met him.

Something rough touched my shoulder. I glanced over, seeing Toby's gloved hand there. I didn't speak, though I wondered how he was able to sneak up on me in such a dense area. "Come on. I'm taking you to a friend of ours so you can wash up. You really need it. And you should get a change of clothes while you're there," he said, moving away. I gradually followed him from the bench, keeping a close watch on our surroundings.

"Who is this 'close friend'?" I finally asked, breaking the silence. He didn't answer, only twitching his shoulder. I soon became lost in thought once more, fearing the worst. If I hadn't gone downstairs... if I just went to sleep...

I faltered and fell as I hit his back, not realizing we had finally made it to a strange house. It was large and well kept, seeing as no weeds bombarded the walls and roof. The paint job seemed recent, and a small stone path lead to the front door. I wondered how this place hadn't been found before, how it wasn't so obvious among the dark trees and plants. We made our way up the stones and steps. Toby knocked on the large door. A few seconds passed in silence, my fear only forming a lump in my throat. But, soon the door creaked open, revealing a young woman with pale skin, and eyes as black as her hair. While she was thin, she seemed well built. She stood tall, looking down on the mess only a head shorter than her. She wore black converse and a baggy white sweatshirt, with short-shorts underneath. "Is this the pathetic lump you want to train?" Her voice bellowed. It never squeaked or faltered. Strong and confident, something that I was not. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Toby nod. "Very well. Follow me." She left the door, gesturing for us to enter.

The inside of the house was just as well kept as the outside. It was spotless, with much decor, and a large chandelier glimmering above the foyer. A spiral staircase lead us up to a hallway, in which she guided me to the bathroom. She told me to wash up, then go to her bedroom, where she would help pick different clothes.

Once I finished with the well needed shower, I found my way to her bedroom. I wrapped myself in my towel, only wearing my undergarments. Her room was a wide array of black, grey, and white. Everything was in a neat order, as if the room was rarely used. She and Toby sat at her desk, talking nonchalantly, until they saw me enter. I felt an immediate blush form, to see I was nearly nude in front of my male captor. I avoided eye contact, seeing a sign above her dresser that said 'Jane'.

She stood, looking me up and down, then taking my free arm, examining it. After a moment, she left the room. Toby and I were left in a deafening silence, as I felt my face turn bright red. He seemed to be looking at me, though I couldn't exactly tell through his goggles. I was relieved when she returned with a tape measure. She measured my waist, back, bust, and bottom. She then took my clothes, looking at the tags for my size. Nodding, she wrote down the measurements, then giving me a very large sweatshirt and some shorts. "Until I have your clothes, you can borrow these." I nodded, carefully putting them on without letting the towel slip off. The sweatshirt covered me half way to my knees, and the arms were quite long. It looked like I had no pants on. "Come back in a week, I should have your outfit ready then." With that, we left.


We returned to the mansion, which hadn't changed from before. But, once she lead us back to her room, I noticed how the desk and bed blanketed with sewing items and yards of fabric. She removed a black bag from her closet, pulling it open.

The outfit:

The outfit:

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put it on, while Toby turned around. It fit perfectly, and it was breathable for the hot, summer days. We both thanked her, and left after helping her clean up.

As we strolled quietly through the forest, he glanced at me. "It suits you. Jane helps most of us find our 'costumes', if you will."

I slowed my pace, processing his words, "'most of us'? You mean proxies?" He nodded in return. "How many proxies are there?"

"Many. But you probably won't meet any others for a while since they are mostly centered in different areas."

Silence passed between for some time. I found myself lost in thought once again.

How many people? How many people have suffered as I have? How long until people stop feeling the same sorrow that took my life from me? Are they still suffering?

The questions rumbled through my mind until we returned to the chapel, seeing Tim and Brian waiting. Toby joined them at the table, while I hesitantly followed, standing beside Brian. They seemed uneasy with me standing above them, but seeing as there was no other chair, I didn't have much of a choice. Toby chuckled nervously, glancing at the others. He then scooted over until half his chair was empty, gesturing for me to sit. I reluctantly sat down, feeling him twitch against my arm. The others didn't pay much attention to me or my new outfit, as they conversed about nothing in particular.

What have I come to? What am I gonna do?

Bury the Hatchet *Ticci Toby x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now