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Well here goes another chapter! I got some comments on the last chapter that really inspired me to write more on this story, so here it goes! And thanks to all the amzing people out there that comment and vote!


"Where are we going?" Remus asked as we left the premises of Hogwarts. After he had agreed to come with me I had told him to meet me at the Schools entrance at dusk, and wear muggle clothes.

My day had gone relatively well. I had found Bill as he was about to head for the Great Hall for the traditional Chirrstmas dinner, and I had wished him a merry christmas as I gave him his present. I had gotten him a book on Quidditch. Everyone knew that Bill Weasley was the best Quidditch player of Griffindor, and I had found the book in Hogsmeade on the last trip there and thought of him. As I hugged him he asked me where I was going, and I just smiled.

It wasn't as if I could just tell him that I was going to show this guy that I barely knew but really liked a part of myself that I hadn't showed to anyone before.

I wasn't even sure myself why I did it.

We walked in silence, heading towards the gates that gave way to the path were the carriages usually rode. The sun was setting, and even though I had dressed warmly in a pair of leggings and a tunic like sweater and a lined brown jacket, I still shivered when a gust if wind battered against me.

"I told you... Can't tell you jet" I said with a smile as I Pulled my jacket tighter around me.

As we walked out of Hogwarts terrain I turned towards Remus, looking past him at the sillhuete of the castle. Its towers and hallways had always been a home to me, in more ways than one. At the orphanage I had never really felt at home, and being in such a magical place as Hogwarts had completely changed my perspective at life.

"So....Where to?" Remus asked, raising his eyebrow at me with a small smile playing across his lips.

As he offered me his arm I told him an adress in downtown London. Holding on tightly to his arm Remus surprised me by pulling me closer and wrapping an arm around my waist as we apparated. The sensation was funny, as if you were being sucked into this pipe. A strong pull at the pit of my stomach was the only warning, and then a sensation of weightlessness overcame me. It lasted only a few seconds, and then we were standing in a deserted alley.

I looked around, breathing in the familiar smell of smog and rainwater, and a hint of moss. The walls of the alley were damp, and puddles of water covered the ground. A few windows were visible from where I was standing, but the glass was broken in many of them. I started down the alley with Remus trailing closely behind, and as we walked past a rusty door suddenly there was a loud noise, followed by an cat sreeching and running past us.

"Where exactly are we?" Remus inquired as he eyed the houses down the street when we emerged from the alley. This was one of the poorer neighbourhoods in London, and Remus was looking at me rather curiously.

"This is the neighbourhood I grew up in" I confided in him as we walked down the street "The building we apparated next to? Thats the Orphanage I've lived at for most of my life...."

The look in Remus eyes was enough to make me cast my eyes down and look at my shoes like they were suddenly the most interesting thing in the world.

We continued walking for a little while, me leading Remus down several streets and a few deserted alleys. Now entering a difgerent part of town it was still relatively close to the Orphanage. The next block was nearly entirely walled in, and on it was a beautiful townhouse. It was pretty huge, and bustling with activity. Food catering trucks were parked outside, and workers were coming in and out of the heavy wooden gates that gave way onto the property. From where we were standing I could partially see the gradens, where tents where being erected and tables set up.

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