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Well here goes another chapter, this one dedicated to Chebi, because she really likes the story and I haven´t updated it in a while.... sorry gorda and I hope you'll comment and vote on this chappie :)


It was strange, going back to Hogwarts and going back to classes after everything that happened. It felt surreal, in a way. As if it wasn't really happening. Remus was on my mind more often than not, but going back to school presented other challenges. Unforseen ones at that.

"Ashlynn.... the Headmaster wants to talk to you" Bill said as he walked up to me as I was having lunch.

It was the first thursday after the initiation of class and I was sitting at the Slytherin table with Jenna and Dorian. Both eyed me curiously as I smiled at Bill.

"Thanks Bill, i'll go after I finish eating" I said, gesturing towards my half-empty plate. I had re-discovered my taste for food and had been eating more ever since the Christmas break was over. An improvement that hadn't gone unnoticed by neither Jenna nor Dorian.

As Bill walked away Jenna eyed me rather suspociously.

"How come you know Bill?" she asked me, narrowing her eyes at me.

"And what does Dumbledore want?" said Dorian as he looked over his shoulder at the main table, where Dumbledore was talking animatedly with Professos Sinistra.

"I know Bill because he also stayed here during Christmas and we talked a bit, and in all honesty I have no idea as to what the Headmaster wants" I replied to the two of them, finishing my plate just as Dumbledore stood up.

He looked up and his eyes met mine, and as dumbledore nodded I sighed, aknowledging the summons.

"I'll see you guys later" I said as I pushed away my empty plate and started towards the entrance of the great hall, where the Headmaster was waiting for me, his eyes twinkling behind his half-moon glasses.

"Ashlynn" Dumbkedore greeted me, and started walking down the hallway, me trailing closely behind.

"Professor" I saluted, following the Headmaster as we walked the shools corridors.

When we reached the statue that kept guard of the rotaring staircase leading to Dumbledores  office, Dumbledore muttered "Bubblegum", and the staircase inmediately started shifting and twisting upwards.

As we reached the heavy wooden door Dumbledore opened it and gestured for me to go inside. Taking a seat in the comfortable chair in front of the mahogany desk I waited until the Headmaster had seated himself before asking any questions.

"So why did you want to see me?" I questioned as I looked at Dumbledore.

"Because there are some arrangements that need to be made" he said, offering me some sweets from a bowl on the far side of his desk.

"What sort of arrangements?" I asked as.I politely refused the suspiciousl looking candy, which looked like black worms with tiny horns.

"Arrangements regarding your... condition" Dumbledore clarified.

"Me being an Animagus you mean" I sighed, passing a hand through my hair.

Dumbledore nodded.

"Ashlynn, from now on you are to go down to the dungeons after class every other day; you'll be having Occlumency lessons with Proffesor Snape" Dumbledore stated.


I was shocked into silence as I looked at Dumbledore as if he had suddenly grown a second head.

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