Nonsensical Noise (OC)

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There was always some sort of fighting in my house. Someone was always fighting  with someone else. Whether it was about where to eat or how a hole in the wall came to be. People were always screaming at each other.

I never liked loud noises. Loud noises always made my anxiety shoot through the roof, and made my ears ring. Doesn't help that they are always ten times louder than they actually are, thanks to my amplified hearing. That's why everytime I get invited to a party I always escape within an hour of arriving or I always hide whenever my friends are fighting. I don't have earplugs to block it out either.

Everytime my parents would fight, my younger sister would always take me to another room and try to distract me from the noise. She would always play with me, draw with me, whatever to get my mind off the noise. She really didn't like to see me cry, so she everything she could do to try to stop it. I appreciated it, alot. 

I always looked up to her. She always saw the good in people, never the bad. It was hard for me to see the good in people because of my pessimistic ways. It always been hard for me. I just never trusted people.

Now, everytime someone fights, it always turns into nonsensical noise for me. I've learned how to block things that don't matter to me out. It never made any sense to me why people fight over such little things like a high score. It's nothing but a number on a screen, it doesn't mean anything. I've never said anything out loud about it, though. If I did, I knew people would make mad. And once people get mad, they start screaming. I don't like screaming.

It's ironic. I'm the Master of Song. I'm supposed to be loud and jumpy and all that, but I'm not.

I'm the older sister. I'm supposed to protect my younger sister from stuff, but I'm not.

How could I just leave her like that? In that household? With all the yelling and screaming? God I'm such an asshole.


Y'all why are stories about my OCs always so vague? Like, I never even give the POV it's in.

I mean, there's a different writing style between the POV of Lindsey and the POV of Mack but, i almost never write in Mack's POV

hhh i seriously gotta start writing Mack's character more.

I hope you enjoyed~


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