Sunrise~Kai x Reader

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(Lowkey based on a scene from SAO)

Y/n was asleep peacefully on Kai's chest while he simply watched her. It was about 6A.M., and Kai refused to fall asleep because he enjoyed just laying there, relaxed, watching his beautiful girlfriend of a few years sleep, despite being extremely tired from the battle the day before. He hadn't been able to be this relaxed in such a long was almost nostalgic. He looked up at a clock on the wall and read the time.

"6:15..." He said quietly. "Hey, Y/n, wake up,N/N"he shook her slightly. (Nickname)

She stayed asleep.

"Y/n, wake up." He shook her a tiny bit harder. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the spiky-hairs hothead


"Good morning, N/N. Sleep well?"

"Yeah...I had a dream where you and I, we lived in a little, cozy cabin by a lake and you were trying to catch fish but couldn't get any...what time is it?"


She gave him a sleepy glare. "Why'd you wake me up so early? You know I love to sleep..."

"Just trust me, alright? I wouldn't get you up this early without a reason."

He lifted her up bridal style and took her outside, just as the sun was coming up.

The sky changed from a dark-blue to a light pink-orange color and a few clouds became visible. Y/n squinted her eyes at the sudden light and buried her face in Kai's gi, as she wasn't fully awake yet. Kai climbed up to the top of the temple, Careful not to drop Y/n. They sat up there and watched the sunrise, hand in hand and head on shoulders.

"Gosh I wish it would be like this all the time..."

"What do you mean, Kai?"

"I wish it would be this peaceful all the time. No enemies, no battles, no one threatening to take over Ninjago...just peace."

"Yeah but then there would be no need for Ninja."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Put his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes, snoring slightly. Y/n giggled. "Goodnight Kai."


Your-Local-Kay Here's That Kai x Reader you asked for. Hope you enjoyed~


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