A quick Camp Camp rant

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This has some spoilers for a show I should not even know about but because my dad trusts me too much AND is too drunk to even think about monitering what I do online, here I am.

(please be aware I literally just finished S1 like, an hour before writing this)

I really liked how S1 ended with Max telling David what the world is actually like and David just being like

"Because someone has to fucking try."

Best part so far. 

Honestly, what I want to happen is David becomes more and more aggresive throughout the rest of the series because of the shit he and Gwen have to put up with. And then at the end he gets so pissed and is just so done with everyone's shit he just...gives up and accepts that no one cares about Camp Cambell the way he did. 


He gets so fucking done with everyone's shit that he just snaps. He snaps and starts fucking with the kids the way they did to him. Then he does something bad to himself because he can't stand the guilt of destroying the camp and possibly ruining the kids summer. 

Either way 100% is likely with his character. Sure, he's the "happy-go-lucky" type, but everyone has their breaking point. 

Tbh I want the second possibly to happen, but the first one seems more likely. David is the type of character to just instantly give up once he realizes everything he's done is hopeless. He isn't the type to let his anger out on someone by hitting them or something. 

Anyway, that was a stupid rant. Camp Camp is 10/10 show for people with a dark sens eof humor lol

Hope you enjoyed this rant~


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