Chapter 2: Thank you

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Nov 6th 2038; AM 12:41:04

"Why did you kill him?"

"What happened before you took that knife?"

I try to make the deviant confess. I glance over at Connor, then back at Carlos' android.

"How long were you in the attic?"

"Why didn't you even try to run away?"

Failing to make it talk. I snap my fingers in front of him, like he was turned off or something. I glance over at Connor again.

"Say something! We won't do anything to you if you confess!" I attempt at making it talk. I fail, as expected. I sigh as I get up.

"I'm not getting anywhere. I give up." I say to Connor, Gavin and some other police man I don't recognize.

I walk back into the room with them.

"We're just wasting time interrogating an android. It just won't talk! I'm so tired can't we just go home?" I beg.

"Could always try roughing it up a little." Gavin suggests as he's leaning against the wall, one leg pressing against it. "After all, it's not human."

"Androids don't feel pain. You would only damage it, and that wouldn't make it talk." Connor disagrees. The unknown police man sighs. "Deviants also have a tendency to self destruct when they're in stressful situations."

Gavin chuckles as he walks up. "Okay then smartass, what should we do then?"

Connor looks around. "I could try questioning it." He suggests, looking over at me.

Gavin lets out the loudest, most unattractive, fake laugh ever.

"Sure, I mean we got nothing to lose." I speak as I let out a soft yawn.

"Sweetheart, you're tired. Let's go home, I can get you to bed." Gavin suggests to me, stroking my hair with his right hand.

"Don't call me that. And don't touch me." I push him away.

Connor sighs in response, he stares in the room before entering. Connor walks around, looking at the evidence pictures. He then takes a seat, analyzing the android.

We sit back and watch what happens.


After what felt like forever, the deviant still didn't confess. Causing Connor to give up. As he walks back, the deviant start to smash his head against the hard metal table, causing thirium to splatter all over the room. Connor quickly turns around seeing the android. Gavin, the unknown police officer and me quickly hurry into the scene.

The police officer just stands there, making Gavin frustrated.

"Stop it goddammit!" Gavin frustratedly yells.

"I.. I... I can't! I can't stop it!" The police officer says as he tries to pull back the android.

Connor intervenes.

"That's enough! You need to stop that right now." He strictly orders.

Gavin glances over at Connor as the police officer removes the hand cuffs from the android. Connor quickly noticing the gun nearby, he quickly pushes me out of the way, making the android shoot Connor in the chest then it shoots itself.

"Connor!" I scream when I notice what has happened.

Connor falls onto his knees. He looks up at me before he collapses.

"Connor no!" I sit down where he's laying. I feel tears brewing in my eyes but I manage to hold them in.

"Aw come on! It's just an android!" Gavin suddenly speaks trying to pull me away.

"No, Connor cared about me. I've never had anyone care about me like this before. He's not a machine."

"His memory will be transferred onto an identical model. Meaning he will be back." The police officer tries to calm me down.

"Yeah... Yeah that's true." I stroke his cheek as the others walk out. Leaving me alone with the dead androids. Thirium on the walls and floor.

"Thank you" I say. I know Connor doesn't hear what I just said but I had to say it. He did save me. If he didn't pull me behind him I would've been the one to get shot.

a/n: im sorry that this is bad too!! im trying my best! soon ill write some slight fluff since chloe will slowly develop feelings for connor

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