Family Visit

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It was a few days since Twilight "Sci-Twi" Sparkle started her relationship with Garrett Shimmer. They were happy together. Twilight woke up one morning, and gave Spike a walk in her pajamas. After she finished walking Spike, she checked her phone. She got a text from Garrett that said, "Morning Twi. ☺" She smiled and texted back, "Morning to you too babe." She decided to get herself some breakfast. She then noticed another text from Garrett that said, "There's something I want to show you today. You willing to go with me there?" Twilight texted back, "Where will we be going, out of curiosity?" Garrett then texted back, "You'll see for yourself. See you in an hour?" Twilight smiled and texted back, "Sure thing. Mind if I bring Spike?" She got a text from Garrett that said, "I don't mind at all. Just be sure to bring a helmet." Twilight smiled and texted back, "Will do. I love you." She then got a text back from Garrett that said, "I love you too babe. 💜"

After finishing breakfast, Twilight decided to get ready. She got cleaned up, brushed her hair, and got dressed. She wore a Batgirl t-shirt, sky blue jeans, and blue flats with no socks. She put her hair in a ponytail. "Spike and I are going to hang out with Garrett," Twilight said to her mom and dad. "You know, your mom and I would be very interested in meeting your boyfriend Twilight," said her father Night Light. "From what you've told us, he seems like a nice boy," said her mother Twilight Velvet. "He is actually," said Twilight as she looked for her helmet that she wore during The Friendship Games, "You'd both like him." She then found her helmet. "You and Spike have fun now," said Velvet. "I will Mom," said Twilight, "we won't be gone long." She then waited outside her house for Garrett. A few minutes later, Garrett came in with his red trike.

Garrett opened up part of his helmet and said, "Hey Babe

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Garrett opened up part of his helmet and said, "Hey Babe. You ready?" Twilight smiled and put on her helmet. "Sure am," she replied. Twilight held on to Garrett, wrapping her arms around his chest. Spike stood on Garrett's lap, his paws holding on to the handles. "This should be fun," commented Spike. They then rode away. Twilight had to admit, the ride was fun. For a few minutes, they rode through Canterlot City. Soon, they stopped at the Steve Ditko Memorial Cemetery. Garrett took off his helmet, laying it down on the ground. Twilight took off her helmet also, placing it next to Garrett's helmet. "Why did we stop here?" Twilight asked, looking around. "You'll see soon enough," assured Garrett as he looked at her sadly. Twilight hadn't seen Garrett look this sad since Sunset left.

Twilight and Spike then walked with Garrett, the former holding his hand. "Let's see, where is it...?" murmured Garrett as they looked around, when suddenly, "Ah, here we are!"

They stopped at three gravestones. The first one said, Here Lies Ray Shimmer, Beloved Father, Husband, and Friend. The second one said, Here Lies Shimmering Dawn, Beloved Mother, Wife, and Friend. And the last gravestone said, Here Lies Sunset Shimmer, Beloved Daughter, Sister, and Friend. Each gravestone had the quote of a song. Example, Sunset's gravestone said, "My past does not define me, Cuz My Past Is Not Today!"

"I should've shown you these before," admitted Garrett as he looked at the graves of his family. "Oh Garrett..." said Twilight as she covered her mouth. She felt so bad for her boyfriend. Even Spike whined. "Hey Mom, Pop, Sis..." said a softhearted Garrett, as if he was actually talking to them, "This is my girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle and her dog Spike. Twilight, Spike, this is Mom, Pop, and my sister Sunset."

There was silence for a few minutes. Garrett took off his glasses, allowing himself to shed tears. Even Twilight allowed herself to shed tears. "Would I have liked them?" asked Twilight. "Yeah, you would have," replied Garrett, "and they'd like you." Twilight smiled at him. He rubbed her shoulder and said, "I love you Twilight Sparkle. And don't worry, next date, it'll be less depressing, and more romantic." Twilight giggled and said, "Well that's good to know. And I love you too, Garrett Shimmer." She kissed him on the lips, and the two, along with Spike, left the cemetery.

Shimmering Dawn created by BChunter426.

TwiGar One-Shots (Sequel to When Garrett Met Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now