Infinity Nightmare

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A few months later, Twilight and Garrett decided to move in together. Spike also came along too. They moved into a decent apartment that they could share together. It took a while to adjust, but Garrett enjoyed having Twilight as his roommate, and she too felt the same. And their romance was just as strong. They still went on the occasional date every now and then. One day, Twilight and Garrett decided to watch the hottest blockbuster right now, Avengers Infinity War! The two were big Marvel fans, and of course they wanted to see it. They enjoyed the film immensely. They laughed at the jokes, were amazed by all the cool action scenes. And the feels were felt during the emotional moments. By far, Twilight and Garrett agreed, Infinity War was the best Marvel film ever. But the ending was the most depressing of them all! More depressing than the ending to Logan. Garrett cried the hardest when he saw Spider-Man literally fade away from existence. To cheer Garrett up, Twilight decided to watch some Looney Tunes with him, which immediately lifted his spirits.

Later on in the night, the two slept together in bed. Spike was sleeping by Twilight's feet. As Twilight slept, she tossed and turned. This was what she was dreaming... She was having a picnic with Garrett and Spike, and they were having a good time. Suddenly, Thanos walked in on their picnic, with the Infinity Gauntlet in his left hand. He smirked evilly. Twilight and Garrett stood up, surprised. "What a lovely picnic," commented Thanos. "Thanos, what are you doing here??" asked Garrett, "I thought you weren't real?"

"I'm as real as can be boy," said Thanos, he then laughed and said, "but I am not Thanos..." His mighty low laugh then turned into the voice of a madwoman laughing. Her voice was just like Twilight's, only her voice was evil and wicked. That's when Thanos turned out to be Midnight Sparkle with the Infinity Gauntlet! "Midnight Sparkle???" Twilight and Spike said in fearful unison.

 "That is right," replied Midnight, "Did you really think The Avengers could really defeat Thanos and destroy the Infinity Stones? You thought wrong! Now I have the Gauntlet! And it is time for you to witness what I can do

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"That is right," replied Midnight, "Did you really think The Avengers could really defeat Thanos and destroy the Infinity Stones? You thought wrong! Now I have the Gauntlet! And it is time for you to witness what I can do... Thanos wanted to bring balance to this world, and all the other worlds, as everything should be according to him, which is what I shall do... And Garrett, did you honestly think you had a shot with Twily?" She then snapped her fingers with the gauntlet. That's when Twilight, Spike, and Garrett witnessed everyone around the park literally fade away from existence. Midnight laughed maniacally. "Guys, what's going on..." Spike said, before he faded away from existence. "Spike!" cried Twilight. Garrett then saw his hand slowly begin to disintegrate. "Twilight, I got a bad feeling about this..." Garrett said weakly. "Garrett, please no, not you too!" Twilight said sadly. As Garrett began to fade away, he hugged her tightly. "Twilight, I'm scared..." he tearfully said, "I don't want to go.... I don't wanna go..." They were on their knees, Twilight tearfully clinging on to her love. But Garrett sadly accepted his fate. The last thing he said was, "I love you..." And he was gone, just like that... Twilight sobbed, seeing Garrett literally die in her arms. "It was inevitable to happen," taunted Midnight, "with or without the Gauntlet, real or not, one way or another, everyone you love will eventually go away in the end..." She then laughed maniacally once more.

"NO!!!!!" Twilight screamed. She kept on screaming no in her sleep, tossing around violently. Her screams of terror immediately woke up Spike and Garrett. The two boys looked around confused, then they saw Twilight tossing and screaming in her sleep. "She must be having a nightmare!" said Spike. Garrett then shook Twilight and said, "Twilight? Twilight! Wake up! Wake up!" Twilight then opened her eyes, waking up. "Twily, are you okay?" asked Spike. Twilight realized it was all a nightmare, and was relieved to see Garrett and Spike. She then hugged him tightly, sobbing. Spike whined, and nuzzled Twilight. Garrett held her, stroking her back to calm her down. "Hey, it's okay... I'm here..." he softly said. Twilight then looked at him, wiping her tears away. "Are you okay?" asked Garrett. "No, I had a nightmare..." admitted Twilight. She hadn't told Garrett yet about her evil alter-ego, Midnight Sparkle. She was still hesitant to tell him, so she decided to leave her out of it for now. "It was about Thanos," she tearfully explained, "he came to our world, then he made you and Spike disappear... You literally died in my arms Garrett..." She then started crying again. Garrett and Spike then hugged her. "Hey, babe..." Garrett said softly, "Thanos isn't real... He's not going to take me away from you..."

"Yeah, and he won't take me away either," promised Spike. "We promise," assured Garrett, "You're going to be okay." Twilight smiled and said, "What did I do to deserve you boys?" Garrett laid back down, and Twilight laid on his chest. "I guess you were more scared during that fading scene than me," observed Garrett. "Yeah, you could say that," admitted Twilight, "Peter's death really haunted me... Just please hold me while I sleep?" Garrett kissed her forehead and said, "I will, I promise..." Twilight smiled, and closed her eyes. And the three slept together, just like that.

TwiGar One-Shots (Sequel to When Garrett Met Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now