Letter From Sunset

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A/N: This takes place before Twilight and Garrett's relationship started.

The day after Sunset left Canterlot High, Twilight decided to go to Garrett's apartment. Before she left, one of the last things Sunset asked Twilight to do was give this letter to Garrett after she went home to Equestria, a request Twilight was willing to respect. Finding Garrett's apartment was easy enough. She and Spike were outside, and she knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Garrett opened the door, holding a Harley Quinn coffee mug. His hair was messy like he got out of bed, and he was in his pajamas. He wore a Spider-Man tank top, Deadpool pajama bottoms, Darth Vader socks, and bunny slippers. "Twilight? Spike?" he asked with surprise. "Oh hey Garrett," she said blushing, "sorry, am I interrupting you?"

"No, you're fine," yawned Garrett, "I was just catching up on Jessica Jones. Paused a rather brutal death, so you saved me a lot of trouble. How can I help you?" Twilight was surprised that Garrett liked Jessica Jones. But right now, she had to focus. "Can Spike and I come in?" she asked. "Sure," said Garrett, letting the girl and dog into his apartment. She decided to be polite and took off her shoes, leaving them by Garrett's shoes. "You have a nice apartment," Spike complimented as he sniffed around. "Thanks Spike," said Garrett, "you want some coffee Twilight?"

"Sure," said Twilight. "Cream and sugar?" asked Garrett. "Yes please, one packet," said Twilight. Garrett then went to the kitchen to make some coffee for Twilight. She held the letter in her hands. Garrett came back with a Deadpool coffee mug. "Thanks," she said, blowing on the coffee, "can we sit on the couch?" Garrett nodded sure. The two then sat on the couch, Spike sitting on Twilight's lap. "So what's up?" asked Garrett. "Before Sunset left for Equestria," explained Twilight, "she wanted me to give this to you, and wanted you to read it when she was gone." She handed Garrett the letter, and took a sip of her coffee.

Garrett put his coffee down on the coffee table, and opened the letter. He adjusted his glasses and read aloud...

Dear Garrett,
If you're reading this letter, then I am back in Equestria. I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time. I've thought of this a thousand times, but could never find the right words to say it. But I'll say it now. I'm gay. I am attracted to women, or as us ponies say, mares. I've been attracted to women for a while, but I wasn't sure about my sexuality until I met Princess Twilight's student, Starlight Glimmer. It was then that I realized my sexuality. I am in love with Starlight, and if I do see her again, I'll admit my feelings for her. Until I come out to my Garrett, you, and maybe Twilight, will be the first to know of my sexuality. If I'd known better, I would have come out to my friends, but I'm unsure how they or their family members would react. You can understand how scared I was to admit this. I hope you can understand who I am, and not allow this to ruin any bonds. Thank you for all the memories we shared, Garrett. I will cherish each and every moment we spent together. And I will miss you.

With love,
Sunset Shimmer

Garrett then put the letter down on the table. Twilight and Spike were a tad surprised. Garrett rubbed his head, then took a drink of his coffee. Though, part of him was moved by the heartfelt conclusion. "Well, I didn't expect her letter to be so emotional," said Garrett as he adjusted his glasses. "You're not mad at her, are you?" Twilight asked. "Why would I?" Garrett asked, "This is who she is, and I won't judge her for that. Besides, I want her to be happy. I just hope she succeeds in telling this Starlight her feelings for her."

"I've met Starlight before," said Twilight, "She saved me and her friends, and was really nice. I think she and Sunset will make a cute couple." Garrett smiled and said, "From what you've told me, I'm sure Starlight will be the right mare for Sunset." Twilight smiled and said, "You're a good man Garrett Shimmer." He smiled and asked, "Do you and Spike want to watch the rest of Jessica Jones with me?"

"I'm down for that," said Spike, wagging his tail. "Me too, I love that show!" said Twilight. "Well then hold on to your socks, cause here we go!" said. Twilight wiggled her toes and said, "Garrett, I'm not wearing any socks right now." Garrett chuckled in embarrassment, then played the rest of the show. Twilight laid her head on his shoulder, enjoying his company. Garrett wasn't used to Twilight cuddling on him, but he didn't mind. He was tempted to kiss her, but not yet...

A/N: Would you want me to do several StarSet One-Shots to accompany this novel? Yes? No? Maybe so?

TwiGar One-Shots (Sequel to When Garrett Met Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now