Midnight Confessions

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For a few days, Twilight had thought about the nightmare about Thanos turning into Midnight Sparkle. Before their relationship, Garrett willingly opened up to her about the deaths of his family. It only seemed fair that she open up to him about her past. Maybe then she could move past that nightmare. One night, Twilight was at her home, waiting for Garrett to come home. Garrett soon came home. "Hey babe, I'm home," he said, smiling. "Hey Garrett," she said, smiling faintly, "can you sit on the couch next to me? There's something I want to tell you, it's very important to me." Spike was on her lap. Garrett nodded, and sat next to her. He patted Spike on the head. "So, what's up?" Garrett asked out of curiosity. "Remember when Sunset told you about all this magic in our world?" she asked. "Yeah, and some of the magic gave you telepathic powers, and gave Spike the ability to speak if I remember correctly," replied Garrett, adjusting his glasses. Spike nodded, knowing Garrett was right. Twilight sighed and said, "There's more to it than you realize... You know which school I went to before Canterlot, right?"

Garrett thought for a second then blindly said, "Crystal Prep, right? Your brother and sister in law work there..." Twilight said, "Right again hon. Glad you remembered." The two smiled at each other. "Can I be a little honest about your school though?" asked Garrett. "Be my guest," said Twilight. "I never liked Crystal Prep," confessed Garrett, "I always thought everyone, except for your brother and Cadence; was a bunch of snobs." Twilight then laughed. "You're not far off," said Twilight, still smiling, "I hated going there too. I was the smartest in my class, but nobody liked me. They always picked on me, and they made me feel like the outcast... Do you remember The Friendship Games?"

"I heard about it," replied Garrett, "but by that point, I was working my first job. Before Canter. I was a cashier at Good Burger and taking online classes. I didn't know about your recent games."

"Well, Crystal Prep wanted me to spy on our competitors, Canterlot High," confessed Twilight, "Principal Cinch blackmailed me to do it... During The Friendship Games, I collected the magic of the people that would become my friends..."

"Some of it rubbed on me, hence why I can talk," said Spike. "I was forced to release the magic, and it overpowered me," continued Twilight, "all the rage I repressed for years turned me into this... demon... that they called Midnight Sparkle..."

"So a Mr. Hyde to your Dr. Jekyll?" asked Garrett. Twilight adjusted her glasses and said, "That's one way of putting it... I remember being Midnight Sparkle, feeling powerful, wanting revenge on the people that wronged me... If it weren't for Sunset, I would've gone a darker path..." She looked down, tears in her eyes. "This Midnight Sparkle, is she gone?" asked Garrett. "Yes, Sunset and our friends helped me overcome her," said Twilight. She hesitated for a few minutes, letting all this information sink into Garrett. She then cleared her throat and said, "Do you remember the nightmare about Thanos?"

"Yeah, what about it?" Garrett asked curiously. "There are a few details I left out," confessed Twilight, "in the dream... Yes, you and I saw Thanos, Spike was there too, and he was wearing the Infinity Gauntlet. But then... he turned into Midnight... Midnight Sparkle had the Gauntlet in her hand... and she snapped her fingers, killing you and Spike..." She took off her glasses, and then buried her face in her hands, sobbing. Garrett allowed all this information to sink in. He felt sorry for her. Even Spike whined. "I'm so sorry for not telling you the whole truth," cried Twilight, "I was just so terrified of Midnight..." She then continued sobbing. Garrett couldn't take it anymore, then hugged her. Twilight was at first surprised. "You don't hate me??" asked Twilight as her misty eyes looked at Garrett's cyan eyes. "Why would you think something as foolish as that?" asked Garrett, "Twilight, you're still my girl. I still love you for who you are. We each had our own demons... And we both overcame them..."

"Only difference is, my demons took on a literal form," said Twilight. "As for Thanos turning into Midnight," said Garrett,  "I think that came from a result of fright from what Thanos did, and I can't blame you for that. I've had more messed up dreams."

"How messed up?" asked Twilight. "I once dreamed about drinking coffee with Bugs Bunny," joked Garrett, making Twilight laugh. "There's that laugh I love." She then hugged him. "I love you Garrett," she said. "I love you too Twilight," he replied. The two then kissed.

TwiGar One-Shots (Sequel to When Garrett Met Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now