The Friend Request (A StarSet One-Shot)

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A/N: This takes place during the events to Leonardo the Nightwatcher

Sunset Shimmer was at the park in Tokyo with Spike. She and Leo were enjoying the view of the city. She was on her laptop, checking up on updates. She was checking on her emails, when there was one from Facebook. She looked at the email that said, "Starlight Glimmer Sent You A Friend Request." Sunset was surprised. Starlight had been her childhood friend, that is, until Sunset and her family had moved to Canterlot. She looked at Starlight's Facebook account, and saw she was mutual friends with Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Garrett. "Guess it's been awhile since I've talked to my old childhood friend..." Sunset said to herself, "She always knew how to cheer me up sometimes... If Starlight can't cheer me up, I don't know who will..." 

 Sunset smiled, and then accepted Starlight's friend request, thus becoming her Facebook friend. A few seconds later, Starlight was on messenger, saying, "Hey Sunny! Thanks for accepting my friend request! ☺" Sunset smiled and messaged back, "No problem Starlight. It feels nice to catch up with an old childhood friend." Starlight then typed back, "I saw your brother yesterday. He told me about what happened to Twilight. I'm terribly sorry. =(" Sunset sighed sadly and texted back, "Thanks Starlight, that means a lot coming from you. It hasn't been easy for me. I lost my boyfriend that day also." Starlight messaged back, "Garrett told me. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Just know that I'm here for you." A tear from Sunset's right eye fell down as she gave a somber smile. "Thanks Starlight, I hope we can meet up sometime," she texted. "Me too," replied Starlight, "what are you up to now?" Sunset texted, "Well if you must know, I'm in Tokyo with my boyfriend's brother. He's after the murderer." Starlight replied with, "Well then, I know who I'm rooting for. 😉" Sunset smiled, happy to have talked to an old friend. For a long time, Sunset felt like there were only three people who understood her. Raphael, Garrett, and Starlight. Maybe when Leo succeeded in avenging Twilight and Raph, she'd talk to Starlight. Because part of her was developing feelings for Starlight, feelings she hadn't felt since she fell in love with Raph...

TwiGar One-Shots (Sequel to When Garrett Met Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now