Meeting Feather Shine

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A few days later, Twilight was no longer sick. In fact, she was as healthy as a horse. One day, Twilight and Garrett were eating dinner together. "Hey Twilight, did I tell you what happened after my family died?" Garrett asked. "Only bits and pieces," said Twilight, "you worked at Good Burger?"

 "Well, when I was orphaned, I was technically still a minor," explained Garrett, "so the courts decided to have me be put under guardianship. You see, my mom had a friend. She was the family friend. When my parents were writing their will, they wrote that if they both died, Sunny and I were to be taken under guardianship by my mom's friend, Feather Shine. Since I was the only remaining Shimmer, I was adopted by her. Sunny and I used to call her Auntie Feather Shine."

 "You liked her, didn't you?" asked Twilight, smiling. "She was the best family I could ask for; like Aunt May," said Garrett, "She's like the cool aunt. She was one of many things that helped me through the grief. You'd like her." Twilight smiled and said, "I hope I can be the cool aunt one day." Garrett smiled and said, "You will. So how would you like to meet her tomorrow?" Twilight beamed and said, "I would love to meet your Aunt Feather Shine!"

The next day, Garrett, Spike, and Twilight were riding on Stark to get to Feather Shine's house. "I can't wait to meet your Aunt," said Twilight. "Yeah, she's excited to meet you and Spike," said Garrett, "ah, here we are." Garrett then parked at the parking lot, looking at his aunt's house. The three then got off the Stark, and were outside her house. "How do I look?" asked Twilight. "You look good babe," assured Garrett, making Twilight blush and smile. Garrett then knocked on the door, exhaling. A few seconds later, a woman in her mid-40's walked in. She was in a yellow sun dress and black flats. Her skin tone was like Rainbow Dash's, only a tad darker. She looked to have heterochromia, her right eye blue, and her left eye was purple. Her long hair was a bright green, yellow, and a hot pink. This was Feather Shine. She looked at Garrett, and her eyes brightened. "Hello Garrett," she said, smiling at the young man who was like a son to her. "Hey Aunt Feather Shine," said Garrett as he then hugged her. 

Once Garrett stopped hugging her, he then said, "Aunt Feather Shine, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle, and her dog Spike." The dog happily wagged his tail, barking. Twilight smiled and said, "Hello, it's nice to finally meet you." She shook her hand. "It's very nice to meet you too," said Feather Shine, "you're as beautiful as Garrett said." Twilight blushed and giggled, saying, "Why thank you."

"And this must be your dog," said Feather Shine, "aren't you just an adorable puppy?" She rubbed his chin, and Spike liked the way he was being pet. "Please, come in," offered Feather Shine, "would you like some lemonade?"

"Yes please," said Garrett as he, Spike, and Twilight went into her house, he shut the door behind him. Twilight looked around, and saw there were various paintings drawn by Feather Shine. "These paintings are beautiful," complimented Twilight. "Why thank you Twilight," said Feather Shine, "painting is one of the many hobbies I enjoy doing. In fact, I work at an art exhibit store." They sat at the living room, holding glasses of lemonade. Garrett took a sip of lemonade, enjoying the refreshing taste, and said, "It's true. In fact, the store was right by Good Burger."

"I helped him get the job there," said Feather Shine. "What did you do at Good Burger?" Twilight asked. "I was a cashier," said Garrett, "I always greeted every customer with, Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, can I take your order?"

Twilight laughed, "Oh my gosh, just like the Nick movie! My brother loved that movie!" Garrett was smiling like the Cheshire Cat, and Feather Shine was beaming. "I remember the days when I'd be having a rough day at work, and Garrett would gladly take me to Good Burger afterwards to make me feel better," said Feather Shine. "Awww, that's so sweet of you," said Twilight. Garrett gave a look to Twilight that said, should we tell Aunt Feather Shine about Spike? Twilight shrugged, as if she were saying, sure, why not? 

 "Aunt Feather Shine, remember The Friendship Games from a few years back?" asked Garrett. "Vaguely," admitted Feather Shine, "wasn't there some sort of ruckus that caused the games to abruptly stop?"

"I caused that ruckus," admitted Twilight, "I turned into a demon, and it got pretty crazy after that."

"Oh my..." said a shocked Feather Shine. "Thankfully, I'm no longer a demon," said Twilight, "but it did result in a few strange side effects." Feather Shine gave a look of curiosity and asked, "What kind of side effects?"

"Well, I can levitate objects, and I have telekinesis," admitted Twilight as she then used her telekinesis to levitate her glass of lemonade. Feather Shine gave a look of awe and shock, saying, "Fascinating!"

"Believe me, it helps when we're looking for hard to reach items," joked Garrett, then with a look of seriousness, said, "also, Spike can talk." Feather Shine looked at the dog and asked, "You can talk?"

"It's true," said Spike, "I know, it's crazy. Garrett almost freaked out the first time." Garrett chuckled, "Yeah, I was like, speak, and he literally said, Hi, I'm Spike!" They all laughed. "Well you are still a cute dog," said Feather Shine as she then scratched Spike's ears, "would you like to see a memory book of when Garrett was younger?"

"You still have that book?" asked Garrett. "I'd love to see pictures of a younger you." Twilight enthusiastically said. "Count me in," said Spike. Garrett shrugged. He saw pictures of Twilight when she was younger, so it only seemed fair that Twilight see pictures of him when he was younger. Feather Shine found the memory book she kept of The Shimmer Family, and showed Twilight, Spike, and Garrett photos of Garrett from his infancy, his toddler years, his childhood, all the way to his adolescence. Garrett smiled, looking back on when those pictures were taken. He especially smiled at the photo taken where 8 year old Sunset Shimmer hugged 5 year old him. "Hey Aunt Feather Shine, can I keep that photo?" he asked, touching the photo. "Of course you can," said Feather Shine, smiling. 

After a few hours of chatting and laughing, Twilight and Garrett decided it was time to go home. "It was great seeing you again Aunt Feather Shine," said Garrett as he hugged her. "It was great seeing you too Garrett," said Feather Shine, "I hope I can see you three more often. Don't be strangers." Twilight hugged her and said, "Don't worry, we won't. It was nice to meet you." Feather Shine then gave Spike a happy pat. The three then left her house, and Feather Shine waved goodbye to them. Garrett held the picture in his hand. "That felt nice," said Twilight. "Yeah, it did," agreed Garrett. "I think your aunt would like my parents," said Twilight, "we should have them meet." Garrett smiled and said, "Yeah, that'd be a good idea." Twilight, Spike, and Garrett then got on Stark, and Garrett drove away.
Feather Shine created by Emma Devos.

TwiGar One-Shots (Sequel to When Garrett Met Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now