Hiro x Spencer

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Spencer's POV:

Spence was pulling coaches when he suddenly  started breaking down. His driver had stopped him on a siding and signalled for help. Emily's driver saw the signal and took the coaches and his driver and fireman to get help. Spencer was sad not because he couldn't move it was because this is what happened to Hiro. He felt terrible because he called him scrap and then he was fixed and looked better than he did. His lip was quivering as he felt tears fall down his cheeks.

4 hours later

Spencer was still crying then he heard a familiar whistle. It was Hiro the one he didn't want to see.

"Hello Spencer" Hiro said happily.

Spencer didn't say anything he didn't want Hiro to hear him upset. Even though he was sure hiro could see the blush on his face.

"Spence are you alright?" He asked concerned.

He still didn't speak which upset Hiro. He went behind Spencer and waited to be coupled up to him. Once he was ready he blew his whistle and set off to the steam works.

Hiro's POV:

It's odd how Spencer hasn't said a word. Usually he tries to show off even if he's not moving. I'm really worried he must be hiding something and I will find out.

So Hiro got an idea and decided to take Spencer somewhere that he didn't know. He went as fast as his pistons could pump. Spencer was sound asleep and didn't know what was happening.

30 minutes later

Hiro found the spot he was looking for and uncoupled from Spencer. He puffed along leaving him behind just to scare him.

Spencer's POV:

He slowly woke up then his eyes widened. He was somewhere he didn't recognize. Spencer yelled for help but didn't hear anyone. He was alone and afraid but not until he heard the whistle. That whistle made his boiler bubble and his firebox flare. He was happy that Hiro was there. Hiro came around the corner and smiled at Spencer.

"Hiro I'm so glad to see you" He was blushing a little.

"It's good to see you too cutie" He smirked.

Spencer's face was as red as James's paint. He was so shocked he didn't realize Hiro got closer.

" I... Uh... Um..." He tried to speak.

Hiro laughed at Spencer's attempt to speak. Then he collided his lips with Spencer's. Hiro was blushing hard so was Spencer.

Once he backed away from him Spencer was smiling the biggest smile ever. Hiro was happy and decided to couple back up to Spencer and take him to the steam works.

The next day

Spencer was out and ready to get back to work. His boyfriend was waiting for him to come out. But Hiro was so tired he fell asleep outside the steam works. Spencer giggled then pushed Hiro to a siding so he could rest.

"I love you Hiro sleep well" He kissed him then went to fetch his coaches.

Hiro smiled in his sleep and mumbled I love you to Spencer. What Hiro didn't know was Spencer was still close enough to hear him and was blushing the entire day. He was made fun of by everyone but he didn't care. He was happy he could call Hiro his.
This one took me sometime I'm starting to stress myself out. But I'll keep doing this even if it kills me.



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