Duncan x Rusty

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Duncan acts tough and pretends not to care but really it's all for show. Deep inside,past that rough and tough shell there's a soft side. That side tries to break through when he's near Rusty. He wants to tell him how he feels but he's scared. Rusty is sweet to everyone but Duncan thinks he'd hate him for even telling him.

Duncan was puffing along the line when he saw a baby foal standing on the tracks. He groaned. Everytime he wasn't gonna be late something always happened. But he felt bad for the little guy. The baby had a halter with a nameplate that said Tail Gunner Carl. Duncan whistled to Carl. He looked at Duncan.

"Come on Carl you can ride in my cab. I'll make sure you get home to your mama" He smiled sweetly.

Carl was skeptical and sniffed the engine. Once he knew he was safe he jumped in the cab. Duncan blew his whistle and continued to the station. As soon as they came to a stop Carl jumped out of the cab. Rusty and Riley were surprised to see a baby foal.

"Can someone get this sweet little foal home safely" He asked.

The station master called for a trailer so he could go home. Soon Carl was loaded onto the trailer. He neighed a thank you to Duncan before he was out of sight.

"So much for being tough engine" Rusty laughed.

"T-that didn't mean anything. I was d-doing the r-right thing" Duncan's cheeks were pink.

Rusty rolled his eyes. Duncan frowned a little and puffed away. Riley noticed his frown and puffed after him.

"Are you ok Duncan?" She asked concerned.

He didn't reply to her. All he did was look at Riley. She could sense the sadness.

"It's ok Duncan I promise everything will be ok" She smiled.

He wasn't even listening. As soon as he saw the junction he went on a different track to get away from everyone.


Duncan hadn't returned to sheds. No one knew where he was. Riley looked over at Rheneas.

"Rheneas I think I know why Duncan hasn't returned" She whispered.

He raised an eyebrow.

"He was very upset earlier. I think he might of ran away" She frowned.

Sir Handel heard what she said and told Skarloey, Peter Sam, and Rusty. They all frowned except for Rusty.

"He's such a baby. No one wonder you guys hate him" He said out loud by accident.

There was a really long silence before Peter Sam spoke.

"That was harsh Rusty. What is wrong with you?" Peter Sam growled.

Rusty looked at everyone.

"I-im s-sorry. I've been having mood changes lately. I didn't mean that I swear" He backed all the way in the shed sadly.

Rheneas growled.


The engines stared at him. They all knew yelling at him wasn't gonna do anything. Soon they all fell into silence.

*Duncan's POV*

Why do I try? They'll never see the best in me. Rusty calls bullshit on my kindness. Why should I try? He kept puffing along as his tears fell. It was very dark and his lamp was barely lighting the way. Duncan noticed something up ahead and squinted. The figure started to become clearer the closer he got. The figured nieghed and he  screeched to a halt. Duncan recognized the niegh.

"Carl. Is that you?" He asked.

Carl ran up to Duncan and nuzzled him.

"What are you doing out here it's not safe" He had a concerned look on his face.

"What are you doing out here? You should be in the shed with your friends" Carl finally spoke.

Duncan was shocked and realized he was right.

"I ran away. I feel unneeded there. Everytime I do something nice I get ignorance from everybody" He teared up.

"Awe Duncan... I'm sure they don't mean it. I know for a fact that Rusty does because he's gay" Carl giggled.

Duncan blushed. This entire time the one he was in love with was gay like he is.

"Are you sure Carl?" He asked curiously.

Carl nodded then nieghed as loud as possible. Duncan heard a rumbling sound. When he looked in front of him there was Rusty.

"W-what do you want.." He looked at his buffers.

Rusty watched Duncan's tears. He didn't mean to hurt him. So he collected his courage and told him.

"Look. Duncan I'm sorry for how I acted it wasn't right. I just haven't been the same since my break up." He looked into Duncan's eyes.

"Oh.. Why Haven't you said anything?" He was curious.

"No one cared to listen to me so I kept it to myself. That's why I've been so mean..." Tears fall from his eyes.

Duncan felt terrible. He never knew his friend was heart broken.
So he puffed closer to Rusty.

"W-what are you doing Duncan?" Rusty blushed.

"I'm gonna show you how much I love you" He smiled.

Rusty raised an eyebrow. As he went to speak he felt Duncan's lips on his. He wanted to pull away but something inside wasn't letting him. Duncan pulled away for second then kissed Rusty a little rougher. Rusty felt a moan trying to break free. Duncan knew they both needed air so he backed away.

"S-sorry" He was embarrassed.

"I'm not even mad. I'm actually happy that you did that." He smirked.

Duncan blushed. Carl neighed interrupting their moment.

"I still need to get home remember" He said impatiently.

They both laughed and Carl jumped in Duncan's cab. He was taken to the farm and he ran to his mama. Rusty smiled as he watched Carl. While Rusty was looking at him Duncan changed into his human form and stood in front of Rusty. When he looked back in front of him he jumped.

"Duncan?" He asked.

He nodded and turned rusty into a human. Duncan dragged Rusty to the fence and sat on it. He pulled rusty on his lap and smirked. Rusty blushed and placed his lips on Duncan's. They stayed like that for a while. Carl and his mom Serai watched them and neighed together knowing that their planned work.

Interesting who would've thought that Carl and Serai would have planned that.

Peace out


Thomas and friends Fan fiction{Cancelled}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang