Edward x James

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Edward notices changes from James lately. Will Edward be able to figure out what is going on with James?

The engines were getting ready to start their day. Everyone said their hellos minus James. He was quiet.

James looked around at the others before puffing away. He whistled as he left. He just wasn't feeling like himself lately.

"What's up with James?" Henry asked.

Gordon looked over at him. "I'm not sure. He's been awfully quiet lately"

Henry frowned slightly. He hoped James was okay.

*at the shunting yard*

James puffed into the shunting yard to collect his cars. He was coupled up to his cars and he whistled. The workers were shocked he didn't complain. He puffed away. He has felt really down lately.

Gordon puffed up beside him with the express. Of course gloating.

James just kinda looked at him and gave him a half smile. He looked away from him.

Gordon was shocked. He frowned slightly and whistled before continuing on. 'That's not like him.. What is going on with James..?'

James made his way to the destination. He whistled and waited to be uncoupled from his cars. He slowly puffed away to head to the sheds. He wasn't needed for much today. He puffed on the turntable and waited. He backed into the shed and hid away.

Edward watched quietly. He was really worried about James. He wasn't the same and he hated it. 'What's going on with you James..' He frowned.

*later that day*

Edward came back to the sheds after taking a goods train. He noticed James's berth was empty. He had this bad feeling in his boiler. He puffed onto the turntable. Once he was turned he puffed away quickly leaving the others confused.

James's POV

James was staring over the cliff. He knew about this spot after nearly going over it. This is where he planned to you know. Tears filled the red tender engine's eyes. He slowly puffed forward. 'Don't hesitate now. They won't need you anymore. You're easily replaceable' He continued to puff forward not realizing someone had coupled up to him.

Edward tried his best to hold James back. "James! Don't do this.." Sparks flew from his brakes. "Please..!"

James fought back trying to get away from him. He didn't want to suffer anymore.

The coupling began to break as James had a bit more power than Edward.

Edward looked down "James please!"

James wasn't listening. The coupling snapped sending him over the edge.

Edward panicked. "JAMES!?" He puffed towards the edge and looked down. He looked down at the red tender engine that didn't seem to be moving. Tears filled his eyes. "Damnit! I couldn't stop him" He gritted his teeth as tears began to fall.

James layed down at the bottom but he had lived somehow. He slowly opened his eyes. He looked up to see if Edward was still there but he was gone.

*next day*

Edward was the sheds sulking. Everyone had heard about what had happened last night. 'You couldn't save him. You're useless'

Meanwhile James was being taken to the steam works on the mainland to be repaired. He was quiet the entire ride.  All he could think about was Edward. He sighed softly. He regretted pushing everyone away. 'They probably won't even want me back..'

Edward's POV

Edward was being comforted by his fireman and driver. They understood how the poor engine felt. He was allowed to stay in the shed for as long as they wanted.

*3 months later*

James returned from the mainland. He was as good as new. He quietly puffed around. If he saw anyone he hid. He heard his friends whistles and quickly hid. He listened to talk. They almost seemed happier. 'Maybe I always was the thorn in their sides' He frowned. He puffed out of hiding and continued on his way.

Edward was in his shed getting ready for the day. He still missed James dearly but was slowly getting over it. He whistled then puffed away to go pull a goods train. He smiled brightly.

*at night*

James went to Tidmouth sheds and sat there quietly. His friends were asleep. "I'm sorry everyone.." He said softly. "I should've never pushed any of you away.. But you all seem happier now. Thank you all for the friendships that I didn't deserve.." He smiled. He went to puff away until he heard someone talk.

"James..don't say that. We all missed you dearly. I know it doesn't seem like it but we were trying to push past the pain"  Henry said.

James realized everyone was awake and heard what he said. He quietly listened to what they had to say. Tears filled his eyes but they weren't sad tears. He smiled brightly as tears streamed down his face. Though he realized Edward wasn't there. He frowned. "Thank you everyone..i really needed to hear that" He whistled then puffed along to find Edward.

*when he finds him lol*

James puffed up beside the blue tender engine. "Edward..? I'm sorry about what happened that night.." he said softly.

Edward glanced to him. He smiled. "I'm not mad James. Though I'd like to know. What caused this?" He asked.

James had went on to explain about how he had fallen into a deep depression. He wasn't sure what had triggered it. All he knew is that it made him quiet and less like himself.

Edward frowned. "I'm so sorry James. Though you're brave to speak about it" he said.

James smiled slightly. Though it quietly went back to a frown. He didn't feel brave about it at all. He felt stupid for letting it build up instead of actually talking to someone.

Edward quietly thought about how he could make James smile. He got an idea. "Hey james?"


"Did you know that you're my favorite engine here on sodor?"  Edward asked.

James cheeks flushed. "R-really? How come?" He asked curiously.

"I mean. It's not everyday you see such an attractive red tender engine like yourself around much" Edward grinned.

James's face turned as red as his paintwork. "I- um-" he didn't know what to say.

Edward chuckled. "Let's get back to the sheds. I'm sure the others are worried about us" he whistled then puffed away.

"H-Hey! Wait for me!" James whistled then quickly puffed after him.

The set off for the sheds. Both knowing they had just reached a new level of their relationship.


I know there's a lot of time skips but it's better to do that then let it drag on you know. Well hoped you enjoyed

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