Thomas x Ryan

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Thomas and Henry were dating for one year. One day they get into an argument and it didn't end so well. Thomas was sulking and refused to do anything. His friend Percy sends a new engine to him. Maybe this engine will be able to fix a broken heart.
It was a lovely day and everyone was smiling except for Thomas and Henry. They were having an argument.

"You never listen to me Thomas and I've had it" Henry yelled.

"B-but I do Henry I p-promise" He started whimpering.

"Oh cut the bullshit Thomas I know you never cared about me" He was pissed.

"Henry baby I'm being h-honest with y-you" He looked at Henry.

"You know what I'm done. I don't want anything to do with your sorry ass. Goodbye Thomas" He puffed away.

Thomas felt his whole world come crashing down. He didn't feel like he could continue. Percy, James and Gordon witnessed the entire thing. Percy looked at Thomas with a worried look but then remembered something. James and Gordon were shocked they never seen Henry like this before. Percy puffed away as fast as his pistons would pump.

* 6 hours later*

Thomas was staring into the distance. When he saw Henry flirting with Gordon. He felt sick and backed further into the shed.

"What's the point anymore... I hate my life" He started crying.

James heard Thomas and went to the shed.

"You alright Thomas?" James asked worriedly.

Thomas wanted to be alone so he never responded hoping James would get the hint and he did. James backed away and glared at Henry. Gordon noticed and frowned. Henry felt guilt build up inside. Maybe he was to harsh to Thomas.

*to Percy's POV*

Percy saw a purple engine with a gold nameplate on its side. The engine was talking with Donald and Douglas. He puffed up beside the new engine.

"Hello you must be Percy" He smiled.

"Yes I am. How did you know who I was?" He asked

" The two scotts over there told me" He motioned to engine 9 and 10.

"Oh.What's your name?" He asked curiously.

"I'm Ryan" He smiled.

Percy thought about Thomas and got an idea.

"Hey Ryan there's someone I want you to meet I need you to come with me" Percy said.

Ryan raised an eyebrow but went along with Percy. They headed back to shed. Thomas was refusing to leave. He saw Percy and wished he'd go away. Thomas also noticed a purple engine beside Percy and puffed forward.

"Thomas I would like you to meet Ryan" He smiled.

"Hello R-ryan" He was shocked.

Thomas felt his face heat up. Ryan was super cute. Percy noticed and giggled.

"What's so funny" Ryan asked curiously.

"Nothing" Percy smirked then backed away.

Ryan went to follow him but Percy stopped him.

"Ryan you stay here I have to go pull mail cars" He said sweetly.

He raised an eyebrow but did as Percy said. Ryan pulled in front of thomas. He noticed his blush and smiled.

"Has anyone ever told you that your adorable when you blush" He blushed.

Thomas was speechless. He wanted to speak but not words would form.

"I know your lost for words Thomas but maybe this will help you" He smirked.

Ryan puffed forward and collided his lips with Thomas's. His face was bright red so was Ryan's. Henry watched the entire thing and growled.

"Excuse me Ryan what the hell do you think your doing" He scolded.

"Thomas do you know him?" He questioned.

Thomas frowned and felt tears.

"Yes I do he's my ex" He nearly broke.

Ryan growled at Henry.

"So your the asshole who broke Thomas's heart" He growled.

Henry felt ashamed he didn't mean to break up with him like that. He knew others were mad at him no matter what he did.

"Im so sor-"


Henry puffed away as fast as he could. Thomas was in tears. Ryan tried to calm him down. Eventually Thomas calmed down and looked into Ryan's eyes. Ryan smiled.

" I love you Thomas " He blushed.

"I love you too R-ryan" Thomas giggled.

The two engines lovingly starred into each others eyes. They both realized something. Love can be from anyone even if they are new.
This turned out better than I thought

Peace out


Thomas and friends Fan fiction{Cancelled}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن