Skarloey x Rheneas

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Skarloey enjoyed being single but after seeing everyone else so happy he realized that he would always be alone. Rheneas notices skarloey's behavior change and tries to help him. Little did they know they both would be falling in love.

Skarloey is small red engine who loves to be really useful. He also enjoys being single and not having someone bothering him 24/7. But after a few days he noticed that everyone was happy with their significant other. He felt something that he never felt before. The feeling hurt him inside and he didn't understand why. Skarloey wasn't the only one who felt the pain. Rheneas did to. Skar tried to ignore the pain but it was starting to get to much to handle. Rheneas noticed mood changes with skarloey and immediately got worried.

"Are you alright skarloey" Rheneas asked worriedly.

He looked at rheneas and sighed.

"I'm fine rheneas. There's no need to worry about me" He smiled fakely then puffed away.

Rheneas watched him puff away he could see a tear fall down his face. He wanted to help skarloey but he no clue how. Rhene looked down at his buffers and felt tears sting his eyes. He tried to hold his tears back but he couldn't anymore. Sir Handel and Rusty heard Rheneas and puffed over to him.

"What's wrong Rheneas?" Sir Handel asked worriedly.

He didn't respond all he did was cry harder which sir Handel didn't expect.

"It's ok Rheneas just let it all out" Rusty said kindly.

Eventually Rhene calmed down and told Rusty and Sir Handel about skarloey. The diesel and steam engine looked at each other with worry in their eyes.

" Maybe you should talk to him. He might be feeling sad and alone"

"But he likes being alone he told us that. Why would he be sad" He looked away.

Rusty spoke up.

"Think about it Rheneas. Maybe he realises that being alone is not what he wants to be. He might even like an engine here." Rusty looked at Sir Handel and smiled.

He thought about it and something ticked in his head. Skarloey might like me and I didn't realize it. Rheneas blushed a little and heard the other two giggle at him.

"Go after him Rheneas. Show skarloey that you care. He needs someone to be there." Sir Handel said.

He thought about it then puffed off as fast as he could. Rhene didn't know where he could find skarloey but he had some ideas.

*2 hours later*

Rheneas looked where he thought skarloey could've gone but he was nowhere to be found. As he was heading back to the shed he heard a sound. He froze in place and listened carefully. He started to hear a voice and it sounded familiar.

"Maybe being alone isn't what I want. I do need someone by my side. Someone who would love and care for me." His voice was breaking.

Rheneas felt something in his heart that he never felt before. But he was determined to help skarloey and he knew how. So he made a plan pretending to be in trouble and have someone send skarloey to save him.

*to skarloey's POV*

I just stayed where I was thinking about life. When all of a sudden I heard shouting.

"Rheneas is in trouble we need someone to rescue him"

As soon as I heard that I puffed away as fast as I could to find him. And I did find him but he was fine and smiling.

"Rheneas are you ok" He asked concernly.

Rheneas giggled then puffed closer to skarloey earning a blush from him.

"I'm fine skarloey. I made up the emergency to get you to come find me. " He smirked.

Skar raised an eyebrow.

"Why exactly?" He was confused.

Rhene puffed closer until their lips were brushing against each other.

"How about I show you" He kissed skarloey.

Skarloey was shocked he never thought his best friend would kiss him. Rheneas backed away slowly and looked at the flustered skarloey.

"W-wow I never thou-" He was shushed by rheneas's lips.

Skarloey realized the pain he was feeling is gone and it's replaced with a new one. Love. Rheneas backed away and giggled.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to kiss you skar and im happy I did it" He smiled.

"Im glad you did to Rhene. I feel happier and I feel a lot better." He smiled back.

Rheneas felt happier to and like he finally accomplished something. Now he and skarloey are always side by side. Skar also realized being alone can be fun for so long then it starts to hurt. But he forgets it and only thinks about rheneas.

I might as well add the narrow gauge engines

Peace out


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