4 Planning

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*Jaebum POV*

I packed my bag for school, remembering my class had P.E today. My luggage was light, and I swung it over my shoulder turning to leave the room when Youngjae entered. Uh oh.
"Jaebum, don't avoid me anymore! We really need to talk, and my god, if you don't fully listen and comprehend what I tell you, then suffer the wrath of my evil pay back!"
"Youngjae," I sighed, smiling at him.
"W-what? Don't avoid this!"
"You are seriously too cute."
"You try that every time I talk to you! Well guess what, I don't like being called cute you condescending son of a-,"
I pulled him into a tight but gentle hug. "Go on?"
"D-Damn you. You're so unfair!"
"Maybe," I admitted, planting a big kiss in his brunette locks. "Did you have something to ask me?"
"You know I did you slippery snake. You have to answer!"
"Fine, over dinner. My parents wanted to meet the boy I speak so fondly of, so we have a date."
"Date, now we have school, so let's get going."
He let his jaw drop to the ground as I pulled him along through the dorms and to hell's nest which we called school.

"Jaebum!" Jinyoung called, catching up to us in the garden.
"Hey, what's up?"
"This is the closest I've seen you two since the crash."
I felt Youngjae's hand tighten around mine, like he was afraid that this statement would remind me to avoid him. I wanted to slap myself for worrying him this way, but with my family, my future and Youngjae's future to think about, dating a boy was a big step into my family's bad books, possibly resulting in Youngjae's hatred for me. I didn't want that.
"What? We're always together!"
"Not really," Youngjae hinted, digging his nails into my palms.
I sighed, "Well that should be changing."
His face lit up, "Really?"

Jinyoung laughed, waving us goodbye and running ahead, then muttering and turning around to add, "Meet me in the boys changing room at lunch!"
We nodded, though exchanged confused looks after our friend had run off. Strange, Jinyoung never ran off excitedly for anything, nor did he host meetings that weren't sleepovers. Really weird.
"What do you think he he wants to talk about?" Younjae shrugged, continuing our journey towards school.
"Can't be the music," I replied, thinking deeply, "To be honest, he's really good at hiding what bothers him."
"Apart from Yugyeom."
"Oh yeah, though even then it's a love/hate relationship."


I chucked my belongings into my locker, which happened to neighbour BamBam. He wasn't there, but I could tell he was already here due to sticky note calendar he kept on the door. He forgot the date a lot, actually, anything important got forgotten quite frequently, so Yugyeom bought him the calendar to remind him of his life and its plans. I touched the thin paper lightly. Each of my friends were so different, be it clumsy, forgetful, introverted, outgoing, anything. And I was the happiest guy alive to be able to lead them in our band. I wouldn't forget a single moment we spent together.

"Over here! No, stop you'll drop it!"
I swerved around to find the owner of the voice. It was Byun Baekhyun. He and Kim Taehyung were carrying boxes into the staff room, heavy ones at that.
"Need help?" I offered.
"Would you mind? That would be helpful," Taehyung smiled. He really did have the best smile.
"There's another one over there," Baekhyun pointed with his eyes, nodding his head down the hallway. I spotted his aim.
"Be right over," I added, then went to pick up the cardboard packaging. It was extremely heavy, making me dead curious to know what was inside. I lugged it over to my seniors, dropping it inside the room beside the other four.
"Wanna know what's inside?" Baekhyun offered.
"Um, am I supposed to know?"
The two exchanged glances of mischievous.
"It's talent show related." Taehyung said, leaning down and gliding his index finger along the tape.
"Like what?"
"You would like to know?"
I looked at the five heavy boxes, then at my seniors, then at the boxes again. Those two were renowned for being trouble makers, always causing issues, though they always got away with it 'cause their grades were amazing. Straight A's.

Hiding You (Markson, 2Jae, Yugbam)Where stories live. Discover now