12 Come Closer

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*BamBam POV*

I was in a good mood, for the first time in what felt like forever. Mark was up and about, Jackson was showing his face, if only to us. Youngjae was awake and doing better and Jaebum was making a super fast recovery. The one thing on my mind that was still making me lose sleep, was Yugyeom. The moment at the lockers when he outright admitted that he'd always liked me. When his face was mere inches from mine, and when I wouldn't have fought back of he had kissed me then and there. But he didn't, and I wasn't disappointed. Or so I told myself. I was a confused mess.

I walked back to the dorms with Yugyeom, Mark and Jinyoung. Our conversations were light hearted, a good thing. Jackson claimed he would see Mark tonight, and show him something. That got Mark's knickers in a twist.
"But what do you think it is?" He finally asked, after holding the question in for the whole journey.
We watched the excited older happily, simply glad he was alright. "Dunno," Jinyoung shrugged.
"Not sure either, but who's Tao?" Yugyeom asked, opening the dorm doors and holding them open for us.
"Uh," Mark mumbled, "An old friend."
"Of the family?"
"No, as in, an old, old friend."
"How old?"
"Twenty something?"
"Ughh, Jackson is hanging out with a child predator." I shivered.
"Ewww, twenty something?" Jinyoung raised his eyebrows, looking away.
We headed up the stairs, or tried to, when Jin yanked on Mark's hood and pulled him down into his arms.

"Do you have any idea how worried about you I was Mark Tuan?"
"A lot?"
"Ohhh, not gonna cut it!" He dragged him off into the kitchen, probably to lecture him and give him a god awful punishment. We fled, not wanting to hang around when it happened. We're great friends, aren't we?

Yugyeom and I retreated into our room while Jinyoung bid us farewell and hid in his. I threw myself onto my bed, facing the ceiling. Boy was that a mistake. Yugyeom jumped on top of me, pinning me down was staring at at me intensely.
"Yugyeom?" My voice wavered, clearly nervous.
"What are you doing?"
He smirked, leaning down and kissing my cheek, "Teasing you." With that he got up and walked over to his own bed, rooting through his school bag for something.
"Are you m-mad?" I tried to hiss, sitting up. But my voice hitched, making me blush instead.
"I think so."
"Ugh, don't be this way! You know I'm straight!"
"First of all, are you telling me to not be gay? Also, I definitely did not choose to like you, in fact, I hate it, and lastly, do you honestly believe your still straight?"
"What the hell Yugyeom?! Obviously I'm straight, as I don't like you!"

He stopped his movements, turning and gliding over to be directly in front of me. I gulped, wondering if another kiss was coming, but it didn't, instead he placed his hand on my chest. I inwardly cursed at my heart, because both he knew it and I knew it.

It was beating way to hard and way to fast. As if I was in love.

*Jackson POV*

"Tao, I'm heading over to the dorms." I call out through the forest when I arrived. It was early evening and the sky was turning pink.
Something materialised beside me, but I never jumped or gasped when these things happened, cause I could more or less do it too.
"The dorms? Your going home?" Tao whined, flicking my forehead.
"Yeah. Mark's waiting for me, but I'm not staying. I'm not ready to live among people again yet."
"Fine, fine." He smirked, ruffling my hair.
"But there's school tomorrow, and I need to practice with the boys, even if two of them are missing."
"Music. It's a good thing. Nymphs have an affinity for it."
"Nope, just statin'."
"Kay, see ya!" I waved sprinting off towards my destination.

I stopped at the back of the building, desperate to remain undetected. I spotted my shared bedroom with Mark. Smiling deviously, I picked up a small stone, throwing it at the window. Then another. That was all it took for Mark to realise what it was and open the window. His beautiful head popped out, grinning down at me.
"Hey," I gave a loose salute.
"Hey," he chuckled back, throwing his legs over the ledge and falling, waiting for me to catch him. I did, bridal style. I spun him around like a princess, earning whispered laughs and a kiss on the cheek. He nuzzled into my chest, whispering happy phrases and being glad I was back.

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