23 Get Back Up!

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*Jackson POV*

The bus ride had finally ended, and we were back in school. Mark had fallen asleep against my chest and I took it upon myself to carry him bridal style towards the school. It was dark, damp from rain, and extremely cold. Not as bad as the ski resort, but still freezing.

"I'm gonna call my mother and see if she can collect me." Yugyeom mumbled, diving into his pocket and retrieving his phone. I felt guilty as hell now whenever I saw him. All I could think about was the fact that I had touched his boyfriend. I couldn't look him in the eye, couldn't have a full conversation with him, and I couldn't smile when he offered one to me. I was pathetic.

Under normal circumstances, I would've just owned up and told him. But what do I say about this?

'Hey Yugyeom, I kinda bit BamBam and may have touched him weirdly, sorry. But don't worry, it's because I needed his blood.'

I was so at war with myself, I hadn't even noticed Jinyoung was standing right in front of me. I bumped into him, waking Mark in the process and earning a yelp from the younger.
"Watch where your going!" He spat.
I backed up, forgetting that he wasn't exactly happy with us brothers.

"I'm sorry." I apologised weakly, turning to walk in another direction. I was actually close tears. How could he forget so easily what we had just been through together? I saved his life, and he couldn't get past the fact that I was in love with my brother? I mean, I know it's wrong, and I understand it's sick. But show a little empathy.

I saw Youngjae staring off into the distance a little distance away. He was on the footpath lining the school car park. I gulped, not sure what Youngjae I was gonna get, but I still wanted to chat to him.
"Hey," I nudged him with my shoulder, while bringing Mark into the child holding position. He wrapped his thin legs around my waist and fell back asleep with his head nestled under my chin.

"Hey." Youngjae replied, raking his fingers through his brown locks. Good, he was sane. I think.
"How are you feeling?"
He shrugged. "Believe it or not, this is actually another mental thing I'm having. You might want to go."
"Seriously? But your acting normal."
"In a few moments I'm going to faint. I can feel my body shutting down. Maybe you should grab Jaebum."

I bit my lip solemnly. I hated that he had to suffer this way. He didn't deserve this way of life.
"Jackson?" He asked, more quietly than he had previously speaking.
"How is it, that you're not dead?"

I tightened, squeezing Mark by accident. He squeaked innocently and I loosened my grip.
"What do you mean? We got into that cave."
"No. I don't think you all walked in together. BamBam was having nightmares again the other night, and he ran into my room to spout what I thought was utter nonsense.....at first."

My breath hitched, and I could sense mark getting agitated in my arms. I think he could sense the distress I was feeling.
"What did he say?"
"He said, 'Jackson's an angel Youngjae, Jackson's an angel.' I thought he was just overly thankful for your help, but then he said, 'He has wings. Big black ones that he used to cover Yugyeom and Jinyoung. When I saw him, his eyes were a weird colour."

I shuffled on my feet, changing the supporting weight from my right foot to my left.
Youngjae sighed, "Then he crawled on top of me, pulling off the bandage on his neck. Guess what I saw."
Oh no.
"There was a scar there. It looked like somebody had stabbed him with a barbecue fork."

"Where would he get a barbecue fork?" I whimpered nervously.
"That's just it. We were in a tundra. Who the hell would be using a barbecue? So I asked him some more questions, and he said...."

Please, please, please no.....
"Jackson bit me."
Mark jumped from my arms, crimson glowing in his eyes. "You what?!"
I raised my arms in defence. "N-Nothing! I didn't do anything, he's been hallucinating for years!"

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