14 One More Day

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*Jackson POV*

Baekhyun and I pushed on into the forest. I was supposedly guiding him to Tao, but in all honesty, Tao always found me. I never looked for the guy, he was annoying. And now I had two nymphs to deal with. I tried to lead a normal life, for Mark's sake, but nothing I ever did was acceptable to human eyes. Even the new friends I was making right now, totally unacceptable.

"How much further?" My annoying companion enquired.
"I told you, at least fifty times now. I. Don't. Know!"
"How could you not know?"
"It's Tao for the love of god! I'm waiting for him to jump us, show himself!"
"When should that be?"
"Shut the actual hell up before I yank out your blond hair and give it to charity."
"But it's nymph hair, it'll fry their scalps."
I glared at him, giving him my wonderful unimpressed look before he nodded indignantly and looked away. "Fine then!"

We heard running water in the distance, letting me know my waterfall was ahead. This had been my location all along, whether or not Tao showed up was give or take.
We briskly jogged towards the sound when it stopped all of a sudden. I frowned, totally bewildered by the exit of sounds in the forest. Everything was dead quiet, giving me chills.

"Master Tao has frozen this area's time." Baekhyun stated, pushing past me and continuing forward.
"Why?" I wondered aloud, though Baekhyun answered anyway.
"I'm not sure, I've never met him properly, so I don't know his behavioural patterns."
"I was five, now I'm one hundred and five."
"Oh. Just so you know he's a weirdo."
"Like, people call him a child predator."
"He's not. Don't worry. But don't have your hopes up for someone cool and commanding. He's just Tao."
"I see."

We continued until we reached a still waterfall. It was something to behold. Totally peaceful. Even the fish in the plunge pool were stopped mid swim. I breathed in the smell of pine, though the air was extremely slow. At least he didn't control that. I wonder who did.

"Shhhh, boys. I'm meditating." The voice we had wanted to hear sounded behind us.
"Master Tao?" Baekhyun whispered, spinning around in search for him.
"Baekhyun, one minute." Tao replied, then one by one, things started to move again. First the trees, then all the way to the moving water.
"Woah," I whistled, impressed by his magic skill.
"Indeed. Now you two, what do you want?"

The tall white haired man emerged from the trees. Falling from a branch gracefully. I shrugged, wondering where to begin interrogating him, but Baekhyun beat me to that.
"He has my light! Why does a dark angel posses element magic?"
"What have I told you about calling it your light?" I snarl, "It's our light now."
"Stop. It. Now!" Tao interrupted. "It's nobody's light. Elements don't belong to people."

We shot each other one last glare before returning our eyes to the time controller.
"You see," he began, "Controlling and owning are two different things. I control time, but if I owned it, why would I share with the earth? It's technically untouchable, and I couldn't possibly freeze the whole planets movement."
"But nobody else-," Baekhyun was cut off.
"I'm sure you are the remaining light nymph, but nobody said dark angels couldn't use it either. It's probably as rare as a rarity like myself.
"This sucks." He whined. I smirked, I'm a rare dark angel.

"Your hair is platinum blonde," Tao told me, ruffling my messy unclean hair. "That in itself is strange for creatures that destroy. Usually creatures of creation, like light angels or nymphs, or even gods are blessed with this hair."
"Hmph, I like it."
"I'm sure you do. But you should probably dye it in later life to avoid magical suspicion. Platinum blonde your whole life, not even darkening a little? I mean, weird."
"But your white!"
"This is fake dumbass! I dyed this when I was eighty."

Hiding You (Markson, 2Jae, Yugbam)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu