10 Broken

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*Yugyeom POV*

I ran through the school halls after departing from the stuffy school bus. The teachers had told us to remain calm, that Jaebum, Youngjae and Chungha would be okay, but they weren't okay, nothing was okay. I hated being fed utter bullshit because in the eyes of adults, twelve year olds are no better than babies. I couldn't calm the pounding of my heart, but stifling tears was easier.
BamBam was in close pursuit behind me, calling my name, pleading that I wait for him, but I didn't have time for that. I needed to get to that hospital, see for myself how my friends were doing.

I halted in front of my locker, twisting the combination code as fast as I could.
"Yugyeom, you ass! Why wouldn't you wait!"
"Jaebum and Youngjae are out cold, lying in some uncomfortable hospital beds, I don't have time to deal with your mood swings BamBam!" I snapped, yanking my weekend books from my locker and shoving them into my bag.
"Mood swings? Are you messing with me?! You think I'm all sunshine and happy spells after witnessing my best friends almost fall to their deaths?"
I flinched, realising that he too, was standing beside me when it occurred. "I didn't imply that, I'm just saying your like a different person this year, always taking me by the hand and then throwing me off a cliff. But after, you'd help me up just to do it again."
"You honestly have no idea what happened do you?"
"Of course not! Here's me hanging in there, holding onto your every word, hoping you won't shy away from my hands again! I hate it!"
"I'm sorry, but when your best friend kisses you out of the blue, it kinda changes things!"
I froze, looking into my locker as if I had discovered gold. Though more like I would be framed for stealing it. "I kissed you?"
"Yes dumbass, in your sleep!"
"Oh god," I murmured, covering my mouth with the back of my hand. "I'm sorry."
"Are you? Cause I think it's clear what runs through your head when you see me now! Since when Yugyeom? Since when?"
"I don't know!" I snarled, facing him dead on, our faces inches apart, "Since forever!"
His lower lip trembled, teasing me. But I resisted it, pushing past him and storming down the hall towards the exit, though this time, thankfully, he didn't follow.

I briskly walked towards the school bus that would take me home. Usually Jaebum and I would sit with each other, but this time I was on my own. We lived near each other, which made practices fun when it was just the two of us. The memories brought a lump to my throat, one I couldn't swallow. I pushed BamBam to the back of my mind, along with the scene at the palace and the worries I had about our group's brothers. I simply listened to my music, wishing like hell everything would sort itself out.

"Yugyeom?" A girls voice sounded behind me.
"Uh," I choked, spinning around, "Yeah?"
"Your friends with Lisa, right?" She asked.
"Mmm," I agreed, wondering where this was going. She had dark hair, perfectly curled and a sweet face.
"I'm Jisoo, Lisa and I are in the same group for the talent show. I was just wondering what you were like."
"She speaks a lot about you, in a friend's way, and I was just glad she had a guy to hang out with."
"I'm glad she's got other friends than me, I was starting to worry actually."
"Hahahaha," she laughed, it was like honey, and her smile was beautiful. "She's doing well."
"So it seems."


"Do you have the sweets?" My mother checked, before letting me go to the hospital.
"Yeah, I have everything."
"Great, tell them to get well soon."
"Yes mum."
I jumped out of the passenger seat of the small car and strolled across the car park towards the entrance of the huge, white building that held my friends.

I exhaled, preparing myself for the sight. I hated hospitals, I found them suffocating and they brought out my mild germaphobic tendencies. I held my breath upon entrance, pursing my lips tightly.
I swiftly waltzed up to the front desk, where the stern looking receptionist dubiously examined me.
"Can I help you?"
"I'm looking for Im Jaebum and Choi Youngjae."
She typed there names into the computer, dragging her mouse and nodding approvingly.
"They aren't in the same room."
"What? Why?"
"The Im family reserved a high maintenance suit for their son."
"Suit? Is this a hotel or a hospital? Jaebum would definitely rather be with Youngjae!"
"That's his family's decision,"
"Ughh, what rooms are they in?"
"Well Choi Youngjae is in room seventy four on the third floor, whereas you'll have to be given expressed permission from the Im family to visit Jaebum."
"Screw this!" I hissed, storming away from the desk and heading to the elevator. His parents had to know next to nothing about him if they isolated him. He is the friendliest, most social, most charismatic guy I know!

Hiding You (Markson, 2Jae, Yugbam)Where stories live. Discover now