8 Paranormal Palace

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*Youngjae POV*

I sat with BamBam on the bus. 'Saving him' from his usual partner, Yugyeom. Or so he led me to believe. I longingly watched Jaebum, who sat beside someone from our class, Kihyun. Lucky Kihyun.

"So I was like, no, get your own pair of skinny jeans, but she was like, jeez, your so unbel-....... Youngjae!"
I jumped, spinning to face my bus partner. "Yeah?"
"Were you even listening?"
"Skinny jeans?"
"Yeah! That moron was so dreaming when she thought she would fit in mine! I mean, look at these legs," he ordered, dragging his fingers along his painfully thin legs.
"Lovely," I smiled, still thinking about my secret boyfriend.
"I know, my legs are killer! Hers were short and flabby,"
"Poor her."
"More like lucky me, get with it Youngjae!"
This pitiful conversation about the 'right legs', whatever they were, continued until Jinyoung tapped my shoulder from the seat behind.

"Why didn't you sit with Jaebum? This was your chance!"
"What chance? It's not like we're not dating already," I whispered, signalling to keep it down.
"Kiss! Fool! Kiss!"
Yugyeom leaned in as well, resulting in BamBam's backing up. "When will it happen?"
"Not now!" I hissed.
"I'm twelve like the rest of you! We're not even teenagers!"
"Does that matter?"
"Well I thought so!"
"Does Jaebum agree?"
The three of them raised their eyebrows. "Have you asked? Maybe he really wants to kiss you!" Jinyoung wriggled his brow suggestively.
"He does not! I'm not that appealing!"
"Your lovely," Yugyeom rubbed my brunette hair playfully.
BamBam sat up abruptly, watching his hand like a hawk, then realising we saw and hid back down in his seat. Yugyeom shrugged, releasing my hair.
"Anyway," Jinyoung continued, "The moment will be right, so don't shy away if he ventures in."
"You guys suck!" I turned around, pouting.
BamBam leaned in, whispering in my ear, "This isn't even your vir-,"
I stood up, cutting him off and finding free seat beside Hyuk, who preferred silence, and listening to his music.
"Can I sit?"
"Will you talk?"
"Go ahead."
With this, a comfortable silence was established, he even let me lean on his shoulder to catch up on some sleep. Even though it was only ten minutes if it.

"Youngjae!" Jaebum called across the bus. He was nearer the front while I was nearer the back.
"What are you doing?"
"Not on Hyuk! We're almost there!"
I could tell he was pissed, and I felt stupid for lying on another man's shoulder in his presence. "Okay."
"Youngjae!" BamBam yelled even louder.
"Nothing, just wanted to say Hi from the front."
"Oh, Hi?"
I frowned, shaking my head and ignoring my friend's stupidity. Who the heck did I hang out with?

"Everyone get your bags packed," Our vice principal, Heechul, ordered. "Or else you can watch everyone else eat and starve."
We all booed.
"I'm joking, joking.....for the most part."
We fell silent. He wasn't joking.

*BamBam POV*

"Is this gonna be another history lesson? If so, can I hide in the gift shop?" I groaned, dragging my heels.
"Probably and no," Jinyoung replied, pulling out glasses and pushing them up his nose.
"Why are you such a-,"
"If you say nerd I'll feed you another knuckle sandwich. Though I assumed the first was filling?"
"I'm full," I spit out too speedily.
"Good," He said, cracking out his fists. I shuddered, memories of our October camp fire last year came flooding back. He knew every single song's lyrics, even the ones from like, a hundred years ago! So I called him a nerd. My face was purple for a month after, I needed to buy so much concealer and foundation it was crazy.

"Bambam?" Yugyeom tapped my shoulder, breaking my train of thought.
"Ahhhh! What? Wait! You? No!" I tried to run off but he grabbed me and held me in place.
"Tell me! What happened? Did I hurt you? Offend you? Is this because of that night I left you after the argument? Because I've practically forgotten about that!"
"No! Not anymore! This is different!"
"Then what?"
"I can't." I whimpered, feeling like a doll in his tight grip.
"You can't? Can't tell me? Can't remember? Please BamBam!"
Using my name was low. He knew I was a sucker when he got serious. How could I say; 'Well Yugyeom, If you really want to know, you kissed me while dreaming of kissing me. No biggie, it was just my first, we're men, I've known you practically since birth'.
"Well?" He persisted.
I raised my hands, placing them on his worried face. "If we drop this, forget any of it ever happened and go back to being friends, will you stop asking?"
"Great! Back to normal!" I took his and in mine, guiding him over to the others.

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