>>> Judge's Form 1 <<<

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This is the entry form to enter as a judge for round number one. If you would like to enter your story, you can still judge round one, but only round one. You will be given four to five books to judge depending on how many entries I get and how many judges we have. There will be new judges each round, so you don't have to judge this round to judge the next, even though round one is the easiest to judge.

Judge's Form:

Username: - - -

Why you want to judge: - - -

Any prior experience: - - -

Three people who may be interested in judging: - - -

And that is all there is to entering to judge. The following or the chapter after that will have the list of which books you will judge, but that won't come out just yet. Anyway, happy judging everyone!

2018 Wattpad Fictional Story Contest Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt