>>> Judge's Form 2 <<<

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Okay, so even if you judged in Round 1, you need to fill out the judging form for Round 2 if you are interested in judging. You need to fill it out unless I have contacted you otherwise or if you responded to the cutoffs chapter.

Judge's Form:

Username: - - -

Judged Round 1? (Yes/No): - - -

Had Book Entered in Round 1? (Yes/No): - - -

Best Wattpad Friend That Would Enjoy Judging (List 1 or 2): - - -

You are judging a story and come across these two sentences:
My friend and me are heading out to goto the mall and jsut as we were about to stpe outside I saw a man at thE door and shreiked suddenly droping all of the bags in my hand as I runned up the stairs. I was ranning so fast that I triped on a stair and fell over on my back cracking it.

If the rest of the chapter were miraculously perfect, how many points, if the chapter was worth 100 points, would you take off for these two sentences?

And that's it. I feel like Round 2's judging form is easier to fill out. You don't have to fill out prior experience or why you want to judge or anything like that. Just straight up numbers and letters. :)  Also, I only need 7 judges for Round 2, so if you fill out the form after all the judges' slots are filled, you will not get to judge Round 2, but you will automatically be placed as a judge in Round 3!

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