Draco's Time To Shine

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                      ~*~ 5th Year ~*~

"That's the thing is creating a joke shop would really piss off your mother."

I say to the twins as we walk to the great hall.

"This is our last year Libelle..." George said

"We need to start it now or we won't have a future." Fred said.

I frowned at the thought of going to school without them for 2 years. George and I had been going out since my 3rd year some how staying a happy (and mostly sane) couple for 2 almost 3 years. It was a relationship that was quite rare according to recent records in the Wizarding Worlds Advice For Relationships. As spending almost every minute with George he could read my mind almost instantly.

"Don't worry. Once we get the joke shop going I will visit you as much as possible. Distant relationships can be hard, but we will make it work."

I sigh and look up into his beautiful eyes.

"Everything will be ok." He said

I leaned on my tippy toes as over me leaning down to reach our lips together. Smiling into the kiss we were rudely interrupted by

"Hem Hem"

Some lady had come right up to us. She was a toad like women wearing all pink from head to toe.
I went flat on my feet and looked at her

"I feel the PDA should not be acceptable at this time you two."

I raised one eyebrow while George looked at his feet.

"We have never been told off for PDA. All the teachers know we are together we are both good students. You have no need to worry I assure you." I said calmly

She laughed and stood up so strait I thought her spine were to snap.

"Well my dear you are in for a treat as these rules will be changed." She said sternly.

"You kids are to young to be dating. And I assure you that you can do way better than him."

She smiled and walked off. My face was RED hot. George's had also gone a tomato red as both of us were fuming. I look at George and he looked at me.

"Some lady that is!" I say grabbing George's hand.

He moves his hand away from mine. I look at him seeing how worried he looks.

"What's wrong...she was just some old hag that doesn't know what she is talking about." I say giving a look of sympathy.

"What if she is right?" George mumbles

"What?" I say confused

"What if you can find better? What if...what if you should've ended up with Draco?" Hearing these words from George's mouth almost made me angry

"How could you say that?" He looked me in the eye.

Not just any look, but a true look of fear...

"What if he could give you anything you wanted? He has money I don't, he is good looking, and charming. His family isn't as big, I could go on forever!" George states.

Calming down at the look he is giving me I wrap my arms around him hugging him close.

"He is an idiot, he is dramatic, and cruel. You are the most creative person I have ever met. As well as funny and you pour your heart and soul into anything and everything you love."

Hugging me back I could feel his smile.

"He may be able to give me stuff, but you give me happiness." I softly giggle

"As cheesy as that sounds." He laughed with me.

I let go and looked back up him. I gave him another kiss making sure he knows everything is going to be ok.

"Enough with the cheesiness. I need to head over to the Slytherin table." I giggle patting his chest.

Walking over to the Slytherin table I can see Draco looking at me smirking. I don't know what he is up to, but I don't want to be involved.

"Hey Libelle."

"Hey Spencer" we say to one another.

"So who is that teacher who looks like a toad?" I say looking at second year Spencer.

"Uh I think she works for the ministry."

"The ministry??"

"Yup. She is taking the Defense Against The Dark Arts teaching spot."

"No way...That's such a shame Lupin has to have been our best why couldn't they bring him back?"

"I don't know Libelle, safety precautions?"

"He wasn't dangerous!"

"No, but parents think other wise. I am sure Dumbledore would have him back in a heart beat if he could."

"Ya I guess." I say looking at the teachers table.

Hagrid wasn't there...weird...

Sitting through the speech was extra boring this time around. We had to listen Umbridge talk about something I didn't pay attention to all I could think about is what George had said. Was he really that scared of Draco?

Speaking of Draco I had glanced over at him he was looking me dead in the eyes. His gang of cockroaches weren't paying attention to him as he kept pointing to his forearm.
I gulped confused and looked away tapping my foot with anxiety. The place he was tapping was a perfect place for a...a...tattoo. I grabbed my bag and sat up very uncomfortable.

I walked away heading strait for the dormitories. I had lost my appetite.

"Where are you going traitor?" I spun around and looked at the one and only Draco Malfoy.

"What do you want?" I spat

"I just want to get a little revenge for how you embarrist me and father."

"You deserved it." He ran his hand through my hair stepping closer in my direction.

"You know I am stronger than you." He said calmly

"So what? Look let me go to the dormitories."

"Kiss me." I attempt punching him in the gut, but of course he moved out of the way. Becoming angry he pushed me up against the wall.

"You will regret not becoming my girlfriend Libelle."

"In your dreams!"

"Listen to me you little mudblood." I flinched at the name. "Remeber that little secret you told me on our first year here?"

"I was young. Young people say stupid things they don't mean." I said getting impatient.

"I will use it against you. You and George will be no longer. You will be my Slytherin princess."

"I will just tell George the truth!"

"YOU DO." He threatened "And I spread the word about what he really is."

"Aren't you one too?" I question angrily.

He ignored me put both hands on my head and lightly kissed my forehead sending a shiver down my spine.

"Watch your back"

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