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The next morning, Luke sat in his window again and smoked a cigarette and Calum, again, joined him. It was fun. Luke definitely didn't mind, he liked Calum. He was nice and they clicked instantly. They talked about a lot of random shit, like how they both read the same book when they probably should read school books instead and get prepared for when it starts. 

"How old are you, by the way? I don't think I've asked that?" Calum questioned while bringing his cigarette to his lips. "Oh, I'm 19. What about you?" 


Luke tugged at his lip ring. 22. Only a three-year difference. He could work with that. "Hey, I never noticed you had a lip ring?!" Calum suddenly exclaimed, making Luke jump. He tried playing it off like he was just getting comfortable. It didn't work. But he tried. 

"Uh, yeah... got it when I was like 17? My parents were totally trippin' when they found out." 

"Oh, so you're a little rebel, huh?" Calum smirked and nudged Luke with his foot. He was sitting in the window as well. Luke looked away to hide his burning cheeks. "I'm not little. I'm taller than you!" 

Calum scoffed, "You're definitely not!" Luke rolled his eyes and said, "Uh, yeah! I'm 6'3!" Calum crossed his arms and pouted with a little grumble. Luke smirked knowing he won, "So, mister 'I'm taller than you' how tall are ya?" 

"6'1..." he mumbled, Luke almost couldn't hear it. "What?" he smirked. He was being a dick and he loved it. "6'1!" he mumbled again, but a little louder. 

"What? I can't hear you down there?"

"You're such a dickhead, do you know that?" Calum huffed, chuckling a little. Luke rolled his eyes with a little smile. "Anyways, whatcha gonna do today? More reading in your hammock?" Calum teased and blew smoke out of his mouth. Damn, that was attractive. 

Luke shrugged, not knowing what to do. He really had nothing to do and he was bored to tears. Sure, he could go to the arcade or the beach or watch TV all day, but he would be alone and he didn't want to be a loser. 

"I'm not doing anything. I have nothing to do." Calum raised his eyebrows "Uh-huh. Seems fun."

"Yup. Totally hilarious." 

"Hey, you could help me unpack a few things? I'm still not fully unpacked," Calum offered, pouting a little, hoping Luke would say yes cause it was super boring to pack out alone. 

"Sure! That would be fun, I guess." 

"You guess? Luke, please! You're gonna hang out with me all day! That's practically like winning the lottery!" Luke shook his head in amusement and put out his cigarette and jumped down on the grass. "Well, then come on, shorty." Calum glared but followed after. 

Luke was surprised. He didn't think him and Calum would become friends? Were they friends? They only talked, like, twice, but it felt like they've known each other for years. 


"Billie Jean is not my lover! She's just a girl who claims that I am the one! But the kid is not my son!" Calum loudly sang, dancing as he unboxed a box with random stuff. Luke raised a brow at the guy and shook his head in amusement. 

"What are you smiling at, breadstick?" 


"Yeah, cause you're... you're like, tall and pale and just... Shut up!" Calum grumbled and Luke raised his hands in defense. "Alright." he licked his lips and laid down on Calum's couch. "So, where did you live before?" He questioned and he saw Calum freeze and slightly tense. He thought it was a bit weird, but shrugged it off. 

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