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"Wanna go to a party tonight?" Calum asked, puffing out some smoke. Luke shrugged. "Dunno. Where is it?" Luke really wanted to go to a party, if he was being honest. He needed to let loose and get some alcohol in his system.

And he wanted to experience Calum drunk.

"At this bar downtown. Meet some guys yesterday and they said I could come and bring a plus one." Calum put out his cigarette in the ashtray that was placed in the windowsill. The blonde nodded with a small smirk. "Alright. I'm in."

"Yay!" Calum cheered, before saying with a wink, "I'll pick you up at 8." and then he was gone. Luke watched him jump over the small fence, a blush rose to his cheeks. He knew this wasn't a date, but he still had butterflies in his stomach.

Luke sat in his window a little while longer before going inside. He had to study for some upcoming tests and had a bunch of homework.


Luke stood in front of his bathroom mirror, spraying some cologne on his body. He fixed the collar of his beige jacket. He breathed out through his nose. "Okay," he whispered to himself. "You're gonna be okay. Calum's been to many bars, it must be safe then, right?" he ran a hand over his face and checked out his outfit one last time. He was wearing a beige jacket over a white t-shirt, with a pair of over washed black denim jeans, the ends rolled up a bit.

He gasped when he heard a knock on his front door. He ran a hand through his flat hair before opening the door. "H-Hi," he stuttered nervously. Calum was leaning against the wall, a cigarette between his fingers and a leather jacket on with a Nirvana t-shirt underneath. "Hey. You look good," he complimented with a smirk. Luke tugged at his lip ring. "Thanks. You-you too." Calum thanked him and pushed himself off of the wall. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah." Luke stepped outside, closing and locking the door behind him.

In the car, Luke nervously admitted, "I-erh... I've never been drunk before." he fumbled with his hands. "I-I mean I've had alcohol before and when we hung out that one time I only got a little tipsy, but I've never been like... wasted." Luke felt his cheeks heat up and he hid his head in his hands, mumbling. "Forget I said anything." Calum chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Luke, it's okay. I won't drink as much since I'm driving, so I'll make sure you'll be okay, yeah? No need to worry," he comforted, patting Luke's thigh, which only made the blonde blush more. "Thanks." Calum smiled and turned on the car. "Let's go have fun!"

Luke could hear the loud music from the bar, even when he was standing outside, he played with the zipper of his jacket. Big crowds made him nervous. He jumped when he felt a hand on his upper back. "It's gonna be fine. I'll be by your side the entire time, I promise," Calum whispered into Luke's ear, sending shivers down his spine. Luke looked at Calum's side-profile, the flashing lights from the bar lighting up his features perfectly. Calum grabbed the end of Luke's jacket, snapping him out of his thoughts, dragging him to the bouncer where they showed their ID. Luke knew he was legal, yet he was still nervous.

"It's so loud!" Luke yelled over the loud music the bar was blaring. Calum grinned. "Isn't it awesome?!" he yelled back, he still had a tight grip on Luke's jacket. He didn't want to lose him. Not that it would be hard to spot a 7'feet tall breadstick in a crowd. "Let's get a drink!" Calum dragged Luke over to the bar and ordered two drinks for them.

Calum sipped on his and grimaced. "Oof, it's strong," Calum said leaning closer to Luke so he didn't have to yell so loud. Luke sipped on his and almost spit it out. "Ew, it's gross." Calum rolled his eyes. "That's the point, Lukey!"

Lukey. Luke liked the sound of that. Yeah, he almost couldn't hear it over the loud music, but it still sent shivers down his spine for the second time that evening.

Many minutes (And way too many drinks) later, Luke was shitfaced. His head was dizzy and he couldn't stand straight. He was dancing with Calum, or leaning against him, more like. "I think you're ready to go home," Calum said, trying to get Luke to stand straight. It didn't work. He didn't dare to let go of the boy, cause if he did he would fall over. "Come on, let's get you home." Calum slipped a hand around his waist to support him and helped him out of the bar. Luke giggled, leaning his head on Calum's shoulder, his left hand playing with the small hairs on Calum's neck.

It took some time, but Calum got the lanky giraffe into his small car. He leaned over him, buckling his seatbelt for him. Luke giggled and poked Calum's cheek. "How are you feeling?" Calum asked. "I'm feeling wonderful," Luke slurred with a chuckle.

"Don't you dare throw up in my car," Calum threatened when he got into the driver's seat.

"No, no." Luke waved his hand, unintentionally smacking Calum's face. "I won't, I promise."

Now, getting Luke into the car was hard enough, getting him out was even harder. The blonde was almost knocked out and wasn't moving an inch. "Come on, Babes. You gotta help me a bit here." Luke opened one eye sleepily. "You called me Babes," he whispered, making Calum tense. "Yeah, yeah. Come on, take my hand."

After a 15 minute long struggle, he finally got Luke out of the car and up to his front door. The tanned boy awkwardly dug his hand into Luke's pocket and fished out his keys, unlocking the door, leading Luke inside. He sat the blue-eyed lad down on the small stool that was in the foyer and helped him take off his jacket and pants. He hesitated before lifting up Luke bridal style. His legs were wobbling a bit, but he safely made it to Luke's bedroom without falling or dropping Luke.

He laid Luke down on his bed, then scratching the back of his neck. Was it taking advantages of someone if he helped Luke out of his clothes? He didn't think it would be comfortable to sleep in denim pants. He hesitated before pulling off Luke's socks, then his pants and lastly his shirt.

He left for the kitchen, pouring Luke a glass of water and finding some aspirin, then lastly a trashcan- Just in case- He went back to Luke and placed the items on his bedside table and the trashcan on the floor.

He tucked Luke in and went to leave when he felt someone grab his wrist. "Stay here," Luke mumbled. Calum bit his bottom lip. Would it be weird? "Please, Cally."

Calum couldn't say no to that. He stripped down to his boxers and awkwardly crawled under the covers, staying as far away from Luke as possible. He didn't want to make it weird. It didn't last long, though, because Luke rolled over and cuddled into Calum's side, tucking his face into Calum's neck. Calum felt the boy's breath on his neck, now it was Calum's turn to shiver.

"Goodnight, Lukey."

Hi. I'm not dead. I just have very little motivation to write cause I've been really focused on my art and I've had a few commisions, so I've been busy with that. And of course school! I'm graduating next year, so school is taking up a lot of time, hope you understand.

Anyways, I won't update as frequently but I will try to update every once in a while. Maybe every other Saturday? Idk, we'll see.

I hoped you liked this, I guess fluffy chapter (??) I appreciate you guys a lot! Thank you so much for reading xx

Insta: @5secondsof.dorks / @Larry.fuckingstylinson

Twitter: Larry_Is_Muke

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