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How cute is this gif??


"Alright, today, I want to talk to you individually, in your groups, about what you have decided to do with your Romeo and Juliet assignment." the teacher's voice echoed through the quiet auditorium. Luke tapped his notebook with his pencil, his leg shaking. He was nervous, to say the least. Calum noticed his nervous behavior and placed a hand on the trembling, younger boys shoulder. "Hey, you okay?" he whispered. Luke tensed and shrugged. "Yeah, I'm fine." Calum frowned, he saw right through him. "Don't lie. I can see you're not." 

"Then why'd you ask?" Luke said a bit too harshly, he didn't mean to sound mean and when he saw Calum flinch, he immediately apologized. "I--sorry, Cal. I just, the whole assignment thing just makes me nervous," Luke muttered, he felt weak for being scared, but he couldn't help it. What if somebody heard them talking about the project and make fun of him for making Romeo and Juliet gay. Calum didn't even seem fazed by it?  Did he even care?

"It's okay, no one will tease us if we don't tell anyone. And if somebody hears and they do, well then I'll beat them up and only let them tease me. But this is university, right? People should be more mature." he chuckled, patting Luke's knee under the table. It made Luke all warm and fuzzy inside and he didn't know if he liked it or not.

Before Luke could thank him, the teacher called their names, "Uh, Luke and... Column." Luke tried to contain his laughter by covering his mouth with his hands as he laughed but failed miserably, giggles escaping his mouth. Calum would be annoyed, but since Luke sounded adorable, he let it slide and laughed with him. 

"I'm gonna call you Column forever now."

Calum smiled as he followed Luke down to the teacher. He liked the sound of forever. 

"So boys, tell me whatcha got!" the man clapped his hand together and looked at the two boys with anticipation. Calum cleared his throat and explained, "We were thinking we could make it gay." he paused waiting for a reaction from the teacher. The man smiled but looked confused, waiting for Calum to continue. "We're gonna make it comical and stereotypical. So, it's gonna be Romeo and Julian." 

It felt like Luke's heart was gonna burst out of his chest. Why did he agree to this? Is it too late to back out? 

"Okay," the teacher, who Luke still doesn't know the name of, grinned. "I like that. It's different. Just be careful with it. I think if you do it in the proper way, you easily can pull home a good grade." Calum liked this teacher and this class, it was so different from his other classes and other teachers. 

"Are you sure you're okay with the whole assignment thing?" Calum asked Luke as he got into the car. Luke shrugged and played with the ends of his sweater. Luke had been quiet the rest of the day after their first class together. It worried Calum, he had only met the boy about a month ago, but he truly cared for him. 

"Hm... wanna hang out at my house? We could work on the assignment?" Calum bit his lip and began to start up his car. Luke nodded and watched as Calum turned on the radio. He looked at his hand, it had a tattoo on it. Luke liked it, it was nice. 

"So, what do you wanna start wit-"

"I'm gay." 

Luke looked at Calum with a frightened expression, his heart was pounding so fast it felt like it was gonna burst out of his chest. He felt tears prickle in the corner of his eyes. Why did he say that? He regretted it, but at the same time, he felt relived. Like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. 

Calum froze for a second. "Oh..." 

Luke felt something wet hit his cheeks and he quickly wiped his tears away. Boys can't cry, crying is a sign of weakness and Luke isn't weak. Calum's heart ached when he saw Luke's tear-stained cheeks. "Hey," he said softly and moved closer to Luke, only for Luke to back away.

"Please don't hate me." 

"Luke, I could never hate you because you like boys. That would be stupid." Luke bit his lip and looked down at the floor. "Can I give you a hug?" Luke's head snapped up and his cheeks tinted a light crimson colour. "I-- okay." 

Calum smiled and took a step closer to Luke and engulfed the taller boy in a hug. Luke tugged his face into Calum's neck cause he felt like that was okay. Calum smelled nice, he smelled safe, in a strange way. 

They pulled away and Luke felt kind of sad, he wanted to hug Calum for longer, touch him for longer. 

"Let's start on the assignment!"


Luke threw himself on his bed with a giggle and cuddled into his blankets. He hadn't felt that relived in... in forever! He sighed and looked at the ceiling with a small smile. He was out to one person now, and that person accepted him. He knew not everyone was going to have the same reaction as Calum, but he still felt a little better about being gay. 

Calum on the other hand, laid in his bed staring up at the ceiling, feeling confused and conflicted. He told himself he didn't know why, but he did. He rolled onto his side, so he was facing the window, waiting for sleep to kick in. It had been years since he felt like that. He didn't like it. He thought he had finally come to terms with who he is, but he was apparently wrong. 

Sorry, that was a little short and shitty but I SAW 5SOS 2 DAYS AGO AND IT WAS SO AMAZING!!! I met up with one of my internet friends and her friend and we had so much fun together! I miss them and the boys so muuuch. If you wanna see a few vids I took you can follow my Instagram (Sorry for the promo) @5secondsof.dorks 

Anyways, I hoped you liked the chapter! 

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