//Days like this//

16 1 0

How fucking cute is that


Luke woke up with a banging headache, in desperate need of an aspirin.  He groaned while rolling over, only to yelp and almost fall out of bed when he felt a person beside him in bed. He looked at the person and his eyes widened when he saw it was a boy, he couldn't see his face since the mystery guy wasn't facing him. Luke gulped, did they hook up? He wiggled his bum a little (He had heard that it would be sore after doing it) His bum wasn't sore at all.  

Luke hid his face in his blanket when the mystery guy rolled over in his sleep. He gasped when he saw it was Calum. He sat up. Why was Calum in his bed? Did he have underwear on? Luke slowly reached over and lifted up Calum's blanket, sighing in relief when he saw he indeed had underwear on. Luke jumped when Calum groaned, stretching his arms. The blonde totally didn't stare at Calum's toned body, nope... totally not. 

Calum rubbed his eyes, blinking a few times. He furrowed his eyebrows when he didn't recognize his surroundings. Then all came flooding back to him and he blushed when he saw Luke, with his blanket wrapped around his body like a girl, staring at him. 

"L-Luke, I can explain. I-It's not what it looks like," Calum assured, standing up from the bed, quickly throwing on his clothes while he told Luke everything that happened last night, from Luke playing with his neck hairs to Calum carrying the boy to bed. He left out the part where he called Luke Babes, though. 

"And then you grabbed my wrist and begged me to stay, so I did. Uhm, I tried laying as far away from you as possible, cause personal space and all. But-But you like cuddled into my side and tucked your face into my neck," Calum said, scratching the back of his neck. Both of the boy's faces heating up. 

"O-Oh..." Luke said, fumbling with his hands. "I-I'm sorry. I apparently get cuddly when I'm drunk," he joked, chuckling forcefully. "You don't have to be embarrassed, Luke. I didn't mind." Calum smiled, patting Luke's back. Luke tugged on his lip ring. "Uhm, do you wanna stay for breakfast?" 


The two boys fooled around in Luke's kitchen, throwing pancake batter everywhere. Suddenly, Luke's phone rang, the blonde shushed Calum who was giggling uncontrollably. "Hello?" Luke chuckled softly. "Hi, Honey!" Luke's smile faltered when he heard his mum's voice. "H-Hi, mum. How are you? Why are you calling?" Calum noticed Luke's demeanour change, he decided to ask about it later and just continued flipping a pancake, eavesdropping a bit on Luke's conversation. 

"Can your dad and I come over tomorrow? We wanna see you." Luke bit the inside of his cheek while tapping his finger on the kitchen table in front of him repeatedly. "Uhm, I- Mum, it's really not the best--"

"Please. Your dad and I miss you. You're our youngest and you live close by," his mother pleaded. She missed Luke and she wanted to see if he was doing alright, how the university life was treating him, and if he had found a girlfriend.  

Luke rubbed his hand over his face with a sigh, giving in. He missed his mum,  he was a mama's boy, even if he wouldn't admit it out loud. "Okay. See you tomorrow, then. Tell dad I said hi," he said in a monotone voice. 

"Of course! We're so excited, see you tomorrow, Lukey!" 

Luke mumbled a goodbye, hanging up the phone, then placed his head in his hands. "You okay?" Calum turned off the stove and walked over to Luke. The blonde nodded, his head still in his hands. "Yeah, I just... My parents are coming over tomorrow and... they're probably gonna ask if I have found a girlfriend, and they're kinda homophobic, my dad is more than my mum, though," Luke rambled, almost feeling like he wanted to cry. Calum patted his back. "Hey, what if I come over after they leave and we can practice our play for class?" 

Luke chuckled softly, looking up at Calum. "Homework is supposed to make me feel better?" Calum rolled his eyes with a smirk. "No! Hanging out with your good friend, Cal, is supposed to make you feel better!" he exclaimed, making Luke raise his hands in defence. "Okay, okay. I'll call you when they leave. Just write your number in my phonebook over there," Luke said, pointing at a small book on the dining table. 

Calum ended up staying the whole day, they ordered Chinese food and drank some beer for dinner. He left around one in the morning. 

Yeah, Luke definitely liked Calum as more than a friend. 

Hii! I am so so sorry that my updates are so slow. I just don't have time to write because of school and stuff (I'm graduating this year) Buuut, I really try to write and update, but it's not a priority of mine right now. Hopefully, when I've graduated and the summer comes around I'll have more time. And after the summer I'm starting at an art school which is really cool because there are only art and creative subjects on my schedule! So no math, physics, Danish, German. All that stuff, for a whole school year! So that's freaking cool!  (Plus I have short school days) Another update on my life, I turned 16 on the 26th of January (Yes, the day after Calum's) So that's a thing. I still look 12, though. Aaand, I started at a therapist for my bad anxiety and stuff.

Anyways, I hope that wasn't boring lol. I hoped you liked this chapter, though! Thank you for understanding. 

Love youuu

Insta: 5secondsof.dorks/Larry.fuckingstylinson

Twitter: Larry_is_muke 

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