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Luke brought his cigarette to his lips and took a drag, he watched Calum jump over the small fence. "Morning." he blew smoke out of his nose. Calum wiggled his cigarette pack out of his pocket and Luke, as usual, handed him his lighter.

It was far too early to have a conversation, or so Luke thought. 7 in the morning was way too early for the guy. He looked down at his dingy Guns N' Roses t-shirt that had a few holes in it. He made the holes himself.

"I love your shirt. Guns N' Roses is cool," Calum commented and nodded at Luke's shirt. Luke nodded in agreement. "Yeah, saw them last summer and it was awesome!"

"Lucky! I've never been to any of their concerts. Wish I could go to one." Calum took a drag of his cigarette, blowing some smoke out of his mouth. "If they come to Australia again we could go together?" the blonde suggested and hopped down from his windowsill, into his room. Calum followed him. "Really? That'd be cool."

"No! Fuck you, you cheated!" Michael exclaimed, crossing his arms and glared at Ashton. The older boy stuck his tongue out at the pouting Michael.
Luke, Michael, and Ashton were at the arcade, Michael and Ashton were playing some game Luke didn't care about. He liked arcades, just not today. He would rather be at home, having a smoke with Calum. Something about the older, mysterious guy made him curious, he wanted to know everything about the boy. Luke was afraid he might be crushing on him.

"Earth to Lucas." Michael waved his hand in front of Luke's face. The blonde blinked a few times with a hum. "You good, mate?" Luke cleared his throat with a nod. "Yeah." Michael raised a brow, clearly not convinced. "Come on, man. Let loose! We're at the arcade!" Ashton said, punching the younger boy on the shoulder.

"Hey, isn't that your neighbour?" Michael looked behind Luke's shoulder with a raised eyebrow. "You didn't invite him, did you?" Luke's eyes widened and shook his head. "No, course not!" he felt his heartbeat pick up and he didn't know why. He glanced over his shoulder --and sure enough-- there Calum was, speaking to some girl who Luke assumed must be his sister. He recalled finding a photo of the girl when he helped the guy unpack.

Ashton pursed his lips and shrugged, pulling the two guys towards some game. The oldest of the three didn't come to stalk and chit-chat: he came to play. More specifically, win.

"Hows university?" Mali sipped on her coke, waiting for a reply from his brother. Calum shrugged. "It's okay, I guess." he looked down at his hands. "I'm doing an assignment with my neighbour, actually," he chuckled and sipped on his own coke.

"What's the assignment about?"

"Er, we have to recreate Romeo and Juliet. Make it our own."

Mali chuckled, "That sounds fun!" she said and hopped down from the stool she was sitting on and dragged her brother along to play some games. They hadn't seen each other for a while, at least not since he moved around 2 years ago.

"H-How's mum and dad?" Calum asked carefully, his eyes never leaving the video game screen. Mali glanced at him with a pitiful smile. "They're... trying," she said and Calum nodded weakly. "Hey." Mali paused their game and turned to his younger brother. "They're trying. Really hard. Every time I visit them they ask about you--How you're doing and if you're still upset with them." she took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Give them a call. They miss you," she informed. Calum didn't say anything, he just shrugged.

"But, hey! Let's not talk about that now, let's have fun! Come on, it's like we're kids again!"

Luke was having fun, he really was. He forgot about his feelings and had fun with his friends like they were 12 all over again. His favourite game was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He loved it a lot and reminded him of his childhood. He even had underwear with them on. But, that was a secret.

As he watched Michael and Ash play some car game, he glanced to where Calum and his supposed sister were. The tanned boy was laughing so it crinkled by his eyes. It was cute and Luke found himself smiling. He quickly stopped when he realized what he was doing and went back to look at his friends.

"Hey, that's my neighbour Luke!" Calum stopped what he was doing and smacked Mali on the arm to get her to look. "Ow, don't hit me, you dip-shit!" the older--but shorter-- girl glared at her brother. He rolled his eyes and pointed at Luke.

"We smoke together every morning," he said, Mali scrunch up her nose in disgust. "Ew, Cal. You need to stop smoking, it's seriously gross."

Calum chuckled, he knew she was right and that it was bad and stuff. He just really didn't care. He liked it.

"Anyways, he looks nice. Why don't you go say hi or something."

"Nah, he's with his friends and I'm with you so--"

"Hey, Luke!"

Calum's eyes widened and he smacked a hand over his sister's mouth. "Mali!" he glanced at Luke with a mortified expression, he got eye contact with the younger boy and awkwardly smiled. He mouthed 'sorry' and rolled his eyes while pointing to his sister--he still had a hand over her mouth-- Mali licked Calum's palm, causing the boy to yelp and remove his hand from her mouth, wiping his hand in his pants. "Ew."

He was about to scold her, but when he turned to do so, she was gone. "Huh?" he raised an eyebrow in confusion. But then he saw her, she was talking to Luke. His heart sank, he hoped she wasn't telling him something embarrassing about himself.

He quickly stalked his way over to them and nervously smiled as Luke noticed him. "I hope she isn't bothering you." He glared at his sister who only scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Nah, she's cool." Luke glanced over his shoulder, hoping the guys didn't notice he was gone.

"I was just introducing myself, Cal. I wanna know who you smoke with every morning." she innocently batted her eyelashes at her brother. Calum crossed his arms. "Uh-huh."


"Sorry about my sister today," Calum said sincerely and took a drag of his cigarette. They were filling frisky that day and took an evening smoke as well. "It's fine, really. She was very nice."

"She can be a dick, though," Calum laughed, his eyes crinkling. "How long is she staying for?" Luke leaned his head against the window frame, looking up at the darkening sky. "2 days," the brown-eyed guy replied. Luke hummed, blowing some smoke in Calum's direction with a chuckle.

"When are we gonna work on our assignment?"

"I dunno." the older of the two shrugged. "This Monday? Your house?"


I'm seeing 5sos in 5 days! So next time you'll hear from me, I've already seen them. Still can't believe it's in 5 days. Holy fucking shit.

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter! Have a nice day/night x

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