Chapter Seventeen | The Contract

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Connor’s POV

“Am I falling for you..? It's too late for that now, Connor… I..” Samantha bit her lip, and glanced at Connor’s model number on his jacket.

Connor felt a panic rise inside his software, and his breathing hitched as he listened to Samantha stutter.

But it said 97%! Connor had a ninety-seven percent chance of succeeding his mission when it came to telling her his… opinions about her, but--

Well, he technically hasn't told her yet.

“I don't know… I can't give you the answer you want, Con.” She stared into his eyes, with a look of despair.

“Sam, I…” His LED whirred yellow as he tried to think of what to say.

Once again, his vision faded around him as he heard Amanda’s voice echoing through his mind.

“H-Hang on, don't--" Before Connor could finish his sentence, he was sucked out of reality, and into the darkness of the three walls.

Granted, there were only two walls now, plus the mind space, but he didn't know what else to call it.

The second wall that he broke down, had a clear mask over it-- one that his software wouldn't allow him to near.

“Connor… Do you remember how I warned you about Samantha?” Amanda stepped toward the entrance (she was now approximately fifty-three feet away) and smelled a thorned rose as she continued: “Well we can't get Jeffrey Fowler to budge… He says she's too important to the force.. He won't fire her. But, I do know a different way of getting rid of her..”

She let out a harsh laugh and stopped in her tracks.

“It’s getting too dangerous, Connor-- or as she likes to call you; Con.”

Connor clenched his fists as he listened to Amanda mock Samantha.

“‘I can’t give you the answer you want, Con.’ It’s cute; how you think a human could love an android, that is. You just don’t get it, do you? Androids were not meant to feel! Deviancy has spread like a virus, and you are the only one who can stop it.

We have a way of ending your ‘friendship’ with Miss Parker. You see, Cyberlife has the ability to take over any android they want in any moment of time, if they have the owner’s consent. They--”

“Lieutenant and Samantha would never agree to that!” Connor interrupted, “They are my partners..”

“You are too funny, Connor! Partnership means nothing. If you would let me finish, I could elaborate more: as long as Cyberlife has the machine’s serial number, they can control it whenever they want until it’s owner signs a contract prohibiting that. Unfortunately, neither of them signed your contract.”

“What? That’s- That’s not fair! You can’t--” Amanda started walking back to the middle as the outside slowly flooded back into his vision.

“We won’t hesitate, Connor. Don’t try anything stupid.”

He blinked rapidly, and looked around at the few faces surrounding him. He was lying on the floor with a stapler, six sheets of paper, two pencils, and an empty mug neighboring him.

“Connor! You’re okay! I-I thought maybe you froze, or shut down; I didn’t know what happened!” Samantha pulled Connor’s upper-torso up, and wrapped her arms around him. “I was so worried..”

Everyone besides Sam and Hank wandered off, and Connor was stuck in his thoughts.

What would Cyberlife make him do??

He looked into Samantha’s eyes, and felt his thirium pumper race. If his palms could sweat, they would be soaked.

What would they do to her?? What would he do to her?

“I-I can’t-- I can’t be near you.. I have to.. I have to..” He couldn’t finish his sentence as he studied her. Samantha’s facial expression changed from relief to hurt as he spoke. If he were human, he wouldn’t have to make this decision.

He could push his lips against hers as if he had nothing to worry about. He could tell her how he felt; what she did to him.

But he can’t.

He looked down at the floor, and shook his head. “I can’t. I just can’t.”

3rd POV

Samantha went home early that night. She was originally going to join Hank and Connor at the bridge, but she didn’t feel like it.

“Just really tired, lately.” She told Hank. It wasn’t a complete lie. She had hardly been sleeping, so of course she was drained; and was she actually going to try to sleep? Yes. But would she actually fall asleep? Probably not.

When Connor told her he couldn’t be around her-- when he avoided her for the entirety of the day-- Samantha lost it.

She knew humans could be complicated, but androids too?

She should have accepted this. He’s a machine! She told herself. He can’t feel anything.

A phone call interrupted Samantha’s thoughts, and she immediately picked it up; taking any distraction she could get.

“Samantha? Samantha Parker?” The male voice spoke.

“Uh yes, who is this?”

“It's your father.”

Samantha choked on her spit, and almost dropped her phone.

But he’s in prison! How did he get my number?? I changed it! She thought to herself.

She slowly brought the phone back up to her ear, and softly spoke into the device.

“W-What do you want??"

A/N: Kind of a short chapter tonight! Been a bit busy, so I didn't have as much time to write!

Requests always welcome!!!

Also, here's my tumblr memes account on Instagram if you wanna follow me 😂 It would be extremely appreciated ♡♡ #sponsorednotsponsored lmao

It's new, so don't give it a hard time, okay? 😂😂

Much love ♡♡♡

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