A new start

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I had calmed down and told myself to go talk to my real mum. Even if I didn't wanna believe. This was my truth. And my story.

My name was not Julie Romero. It was Julietta Marion Grayson. I was not a halfblood. I was a pureblood. Born from two deatheaters.

Caroline Gabriella Grayson and Thomas Edmund Grayson.

I was left to Anna and Peter when I was two. I was just not born in the right time. It was to much work having to be a deatheater and a family.

She was hugging me and telling me that she was sorry. But I was not happy having a mother. I was sad to loose the only life I had.

"I don't think I can handle this life anymore." I tell Draco one night.

He holds me in his arms.

"I can't handle being in a family that I know was guilty for my 'parents' dead. I just can't see them in their eyes and believe that this is what they want." I say and close my eyes.

It really hurted to say this.

"I think we need to break up." the word came out shaking and I could feel Dracos grip changeing.

"I think you're right." he say and press his lips together.

"I do love you. But I can't handle this and I just want to feel whole again. To much has changed and I need to find mysrlf again." I say and bite my lip. This was the hardest I ever done.

He didn't answer, but I knew he was hurt. I couldn't stand it.

"I think I will sleep in the guestroom until I go back to school." I say and walk out of his bed.

I take my things and stop at the door. I look at Draco before I send him a smile and leave his room.

Half a week later, I left the Malfoy Manor and went back to Hogwarts.

I was not happy. But I knew I had to leave. My heart ached and I was crying as I sat on the lonley train.

Why did love have to hurt?

Back at Hogwarts. Snape welcomed me and told me that Lucius had been talking to him.

I was not gonna be punnished again.

I tried to smile. But smiling only made me wanna cry.

My friends went crazy when I got in to the great hall.

Hannah was so worried and thoight that I had been caught by deatheaters but Neville kept telling that that would not be a problem for me to escape from. I just laughed. But they was part of right.

"I met my mum." I say then.

"What?" Hannah say with wide eyes.

"I'm adopted. And I'm a pureblood. My name is Julietta Marion Grayson. Not Romero." I say with a stone in my throat.

"Really?" Neville say and they all get quiet. Not knowing what to say.

"But I'm fine. She is okay." I say and give them a fake smile. Cause inside, my heart was broken and everything I believed in, was just lies.

Luna was the only one who knew where I had been. She hadn't tell anyone. But that night, she took the chance to ask.

"What were you doing at the Malfoy Manor?" she ask as we sit in our Dorm. Hannah was spending the evening with Neville. They had become very good friends while I were gone.

"I was... inlove with a deatheater." I say and lay down in my bed. Facing the cealing.

"Really? Couldn't have guessed." She say with a voice that sound like sarcasm but if you know Luna, you know that she is serious.

"Yes, but things got. .. complicated." I say and try to breath normal. Don't wanna break down in front of her.

"I see. Bad though. Do you still love him?" she say and move over to my bed.

I bite my lip.

"Yes." I answer quite.

"And does he still love you?" she say not looking away from me.

"Yes." I say and burry my face in the pillow. Letting a few teardrops fall down.

"Then there should be nothing that stops you." she say and smile at me before she walk out the door jumping.

Luna is so amazing. She just takes everything so easy.

But I knew I had to stop thinking about Draco for a while. I had to find a new way in life. And je would only make me feel the pain from my lies from the past.


The dark lord had gotten the elder wand. I did not know so much about it. But I knew that it was not a good thing.

The deatheaters were all getting ready. Soon would the war break out. And could anything stop us? The dark lord was getting a bigger and stronger army. And we were getting prepeared to take over the castle.

I really missed Julie. I was still gonna call her Julie and not Julietta. She could see through my bad side and see the good inside of me like nobody else.

It was empty and quiet without her. The manor seemed colder and darker. I didn't know what to do on the days now. My parents were taking me to all these people I didn't know and we often got visits from the Dark Lord now.

I had to stop thinking of her. She only made me forgot about my mission as a deatheater. An Bellatrix kept on telling me that she was nothing to have. She was after all sorted in to Griffindor. But she was a pureblood. And a daughter of two deatheaters. I met her father and he seemed just as my father. Cold.


Back in Hogwarts, it was still a bad atmospher.

Lots of the students had bruisings and I felt bad for them.

And when we heard rumors about that Harry Potter was back in the castle, we all got sent to the great hall. Harry had come visit last night and he was searching for something. Luna thought it could be the lost diadem of Rovena Ravenclaw.

In the great hall they were asking us out who knew where he was. And those who knew and wouldn't tell could be in great danger.

But then out from the big crowd of student. Harry Potter himself walks out. And everyone leaves an ailes for Potter and Snape. But then the order of phenix enters the hall and McGonagall start a fight with Snape.

But insted of fight, Snape dissapears as a black dust, out through one of the windows.

And everyone is celebrating.

But then dark clouds come and we hear people screaming. The dark öord was talking and he wanted us to give him Potter. But we would never do tjat.

McGonagall is taking over and they are all putting protecting spells on the castle and doing anything to keep us students safe. Safe from my so called mother. And safe from the pain of seeing the only person on my mind, Draco Malfoy.

Now we could return to our commonroom. But I didn't know how I felt. Everything for me wasn't normal. Luna was gonna go help Harry to find the diadem and me and Hannah just followed everuone else.

Everyone was happy but the teachers could see that the dark lord was fighting to break the spell they had put around the castle.

But I could see it too. And I was scared that they were gonna sucside.

Hannah and me were just looking for Neville when we hear prople screaming and a loud sound.

The spell that was put around the castle was broken and you could see it almost burning down the sky.

It was war.

The chosen one ( Harry potter fiction. A Draco Malfoy lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now